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KKG today supplement IDS 2015 12 March

interview 13IDS 2015 – 12. März 12 March DentalShow.DrFrankLiebaug’spractice for laser and implant dentistry was the firstGermanpracticetobeabletotestthe X-ray system in everyday clinical use. In this interview, the dentist talks about his experience with the new system. Dr Liebaug, how many patients do you treat per week and what treatments do you primarily perform? Inprinciple,ourpracticecoverstheentire spectrum, from conservative to surgical treatment, including examination, medi- cal history and assessment, as well as periodontal, endodontic and prosthetic treatments and implant-based or oral sur- gical procedures. On some selected days, we also perform surgical procedures under anaesthesia with the assistance of an anaesthetist. Depending on treatment complexity,between150and200patients are treated here per week by three clini- cians. What is important to you in an imaging system in the context of these daily practice activities, and what have you paid special attention to when comparing different product options? Before selecting a system, I looked at vari- ous manufacturers and device types and also had the opportunity to see devices from different manufacturers in action through my international activities and to evaluate their results at the Shandong University in China and at three Chinese private clinics. Thewiderangeoftreatmentsofferedat our practice requires a universal device that combines the relevant factors for implantology and endodontics. It’s not exactly easy to find this type of device on the market. There are device manufactur- ers that only offer very low volume sizes butataveryhighresolution.Withthenew OP300 Maxio, I have found a device that offers four different areas of examination as standard, with even an additional vol- ume size as an optional extra. Were there any other aspects and properties that affected your decision to opt for the OP300 Maxio? Another aspect that is important to me is the low dose technology, which, despite very low radiation exposure, allows for easily evaluable presentations that are made possible thanks to features such as automatic dose control (ADC). The ADC function takes into account the patient’s anatomy, which in turn leads to an improvement in image quality and image information despite the low radia- tion dose. Another special feature is the auto- matic spine control (ASC) function. With panoramic tomographic imaging, the image information in the frontal region is usually not as good as in the lateral areas due to the superposition of the spine.ThroughtheapplicationofASC,the automatic dosage is re-adjusted so that an optimal image quality is achieved espe- cially for this area, eliminating the need for additional recordings. This reduces the patient’s radiation exposure. The automatic facial contour function (AFC) is also relevant for orthodontics or orthognathic operations in which images of the facial contour are required. When performing the X-ray, this automatic func- tion somewhat lowers the exposure fac- tors in the facial skull so that the soft parts, such as nose, cartilage, skin and subcutaneous components, can be well represented at a further reduced radia- tion dose. Finally, I would like to talk about the metal artifact reduction function (MAR). This technology reduces the influence of scattered radiation that occurs in very densestructuresintheX-rayvolume.This improves the representation of teeth with filled root canals and endodontic posts in particular and allows for better assess- ment of the immediate area around metal- lic implants. This is another function that I don’t want to miss in the future. With your practice focus on implantology, how has the OP300 Maxio become part of that workflow? What are the differences in terms of treatment planning or other aspects of care? The OP300 Maxio allows for comprehen- sive pre-implantation diagnosis, which provides increased safety both for me as aclinicianandalsoforthepatient.Wecan use the device to successfully represent and measure the bone supply, vulnerable anatomical structures and nerve exit points in advance. This then allows us, for example, to draw conclusions about the nerve paths and leads to a significant reduction in the risk of injury during the operation. As a treating physician, I can use the diagnos- tic spectrum of the OP300 Maxio to work out what to expect in advance and will not be met with any unwanted surprises dur- ing surgery. The total time of treatment, including diagnostics, measurement and evalua- tion time, may not be reduced directly, but the operation time is probably reduced thanks to the improved options for pre- orientationandplanningofaccessroutes. TheOP300Maxioalsoprovidestheoption of connecting the supplied evaluation software to a program for the production of drilling templates, which once again increases the patient’s safety. When used correctly,theOP300Maxiomakesimplan- tology less risky and easier in its clinical implementation. What advice would you give colleagues who are thinking about purchasing an imaging system such as the OP300 Maxio? Heorsheshouldfirstconsidertherangeof treatments available in his or her practice or clinic and the direction he or she would like to develop in the future. Building on that,heorsheshouldcomparethedevices n Verschiedene Volumengrößen (fields of view) sorgen für eine sichere Diagnostik in der gesamten maxillo- fazialen Region. • 5 × 5 cm – Optimiert für Einzelim- plantate oder die lokale Diagnostik bei erheblich reduzierter Patientendosis. • 6 × 8 cm – Darstellung eines volls- tändigen Zahnbogens für die Planung von Mehrfachimplantaten und zur Ers- tellung von Bohrschablonen. • 8 × 8 cm – Abbildung beider Zah- nbögen, sowohl Ober- als auch Unter- kiefer, und Anteile der Kieferhöhlen. • 8 × 15 cm – Vollständige Darstel- lung der Ober- und Unterkieferregion, inklusive der Atemwege und der obe- ren Halswirbelsäule oder des Sinus- Maxillaris, zusätzlich auch TMG-Dia- gnostik. • 13 × 15 cm – Abbildung der gesam- ten maxillo-fazialen Region. Verfügbare Bildauflösungen Für alle Volumengrößen können Sie aus drei Bildauflösungsmodi wählen. • Low Dose Modus für strahlen- sensible Patienten (z.B. Kinder) und Kontroll- oder Folgeaufnahmen, wenn eine höchstmögliche Auflösung nicht erforderlich ist. • Standard Modus mit optimierter Patientendosis für die meisten klinis- chen Fragestellungen. • High Resolution Modus für extrem scharfe Bilddarstellung mit detaillier- ter diagnostischer Aussage. • Endo Modus mit 85μm Voxelgröße und MAR-Funktion speziell für die Endo-Anwendung konzipiert. n Multiple field-of-view options allow for confident diagnostics of the entire maxillofacial region. • 5 × 5 cm: Optimised for single-site implants or localised diagnostics, keep- ing the patient dose at a substantially reduced level. • 6 × 8 cm: Covers the complete den- tal arch for multiple implant placement andallowsfortheuseofsurgicalguides. • 8 × 8 cm: Covers the entire denti- tion, including both mandible and max- illa, as well a portion of maxillary sinus. • 8 × 15 cm: Covers both man- dible and maxilla, including airway and upper cervical spine or the sinus. Both TM joints can be also studied. • 13 × 15 cm: Covers entire maxil- lofacial region. Available resolutions Forallfield-of-viewsizes,itispossibleto choose between three resolutions. • Low-dose scan can be utilised in dose sensitive cases and control or follow-up situations where lower resolu- tion is acceptable. • Standard scan with optimised patient dose can be used for general diagnostics. • High-resolution scan offers extre- mely sharp images for more detailed diagnosis. • Endo scan features 85 μm voxel size with MAR tool specially designed for endodontic applications. Sichere Diagnostik in der gesamten maxillo-fazialen Region Confident diagnostics of entire maxillofacial region that are currently on the market that offer the best possible choice of volume sizes and highest possible resolution for his or herindicationandthathavelow-radiation exposure despite very good pictorial rep- resentation — a factor that will become increasingly important for patients in the future when selecting their practice. When selecting new technologies, one should always be aware that the quality of an X-ray or a three-dimensional volume representation and the diagnostics that are made based on this representation can be crucial for the success or failure in a patient’s treatment. In this regard, I can recommend the OP300 Maxio in good conscience. 5 OP300 Maxio

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