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CAD/CAM - international magazine of digital dentistry

feature _ interview I cian can easily start discussing success rates, poten- tialcomplicationsandtreatmentalternativesinorder to obtain the informed consent of the patient. The NobelClinician Communicator app provides an open invitation to discuss the treatment ahead, including treatment choices that need to be made, andmakesitpossibletoconsidermuchmorethanthe type of implant to be placed. _Could you explain to us how you use the Nobel- ClinicianCommunicatorapptodiscussthetreatment planwithyourpatients? Mostly, I start in a cross-sectional view (radio- graphic cross-sectional image) to explain the bone structure and bone volume. Next, I show a planned implantatitsintendedlocation.Thevirtualimplantis depicted in blue and around the implant is a yellow outline(thesafetyzone).Idescribetheimportanceof this safety zone and use it to explain that an actual treatment can never be as precise as depicted on a screen. I also explain—if relevant—the relation of the implant to the inferior alveolar nerve or the maxillary sinus.Iftheyellowzonesarelargerthanthethickness ofthebone,thiscanbeviewedeasilyandprovidesan opening for me to explain the necessity of grafting procedures in such situations to the patient. When the different individual implant positions are explained, I often show a 3-D bone model of the jaw to the patient, but certainly not in every case. Sometimes the 3-D CBCT images are difficult for pa- tients to interpret, especially in partially edentulous cases. _NobelClinician can shorten treatment time and increase safety. Could you imagine working without ittoday? To me, whether to use NobelClinician for a case is not in doubt. It is a natural part of the pathway lead- ing to the treatment plan. For my patients, the use of NobelClinician is very straightforward, and they generally understand it intuitively. Its purpose is to assess the bone volume ofthepatient,toseeifimplanttreatmentispossible, to evaluate whether there is a need for bone aug- mentation,andtodeterminethetypeofimplantsto be used. This assessment results in the formulation of the treatment plan. In the practice of implant dentistry, conscientiousplanningisanecessityforme,likefood and water. _How do your patients perceive the use of such sophisticatedtechnologyintheirtreatment? I do not think our patients are surprised to see the team using an iPad these days. An iPad is used by the implantologist for explaining the treatment plan to the patient, by the dental nurse in rehearsing the treatment plan before the surgery actually starts, and by the administrative treatment co-ordinator to establishwhichimplantsandcomponentshavetobe available and eventually ordered. If a practice is up to date, well organized and pro- fessional, patients should not be surprised to see us usingthistechnology.Rather,Ithinktheyoughttobe surprised if it is not being used! _Could you explain to us why using the Nobel- Clinician Communicator app helps you gain patient acceptanceofyourproposedtreatmentplan? The NobelClinician Communicator app is a basic tool used to present an agglomerate of knowledge to thepatient.Theprocessmayhavestartedwithapros- thetic set-up and continued with the CBCT scan and thesubsequenttreatmentplanning,butitwillalways end up with a final presentation of a solution to the patient, and that is where this app excels. The app is not fancy imaging software; it is a tool used to explain the treatment to the patient. If the patient feels that one step logically follows the other toagoodsolution,heorshewillbeinclinedtoaccept the treatment plan proposed via the app in front of himorher.Butitdoesnotstopthere.Theappcanalso be used to explain alternative treatment modalities, paving the way for informed patient consent._ To read more about the user-friendly solution for diagnos- tics,treatmentplanningandpatientcommunication,please Editorialnote:iPadisatrademarkofAppleInc. I 33CAD/CAM 2_2015 Dr Luc Vrielinck is in private practice at Zieken- huis Oost-Limburg (hospital) in Genk in Belgium. He works extensively with computer- and model- based implant planning systems.His special field of interest is atrophic maxillae and treatment with zygomatic and pterygoid implants,and he teaches NobelGuide training courses on a regular basis. CAD/CAM_info

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