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today EAO Stockholm 24 September 2015

business22 EAO Annual Scientific Congress 2015 · 24 September As part of the EAO congress pro- gramme, Sunstar GUIDOR will be holdingabreakfastindustrysympo- sium on 25 September. In anticipa- tion of the lecture, Dental Tribune Onlinehadtheopportunitytotalkto DrsIonZabaleguiandJean-LouisGio- vannoli to learn more about the ob- jectives of the symposium, which will be dedicated to dental mem- branetechnologyintoday’spractice. Dr Zabalegui and Dr Giovannoli, couldyoupleaseexplaintherole ofbarriermembranesinregener- ativeperiodontaltherapy? Dr Ion Zabalegui: Especially in the 1980s, dental barrier mem- branes were of utmost importance for the profession to understand the biological principles that are in- volved in restoring the lost struc- turesaroundteethasaconsequence ofperiodontaldisease. Dr Jean-Louis Giovannoli: The best way to restore lost structures is to regenerate, and studies on peri- odontal healing have demonstrated that the proliferation of residual pe- riodontal ligament cells has the potential to induce regeneration. Guided tissue regeneration (GTR) andguidedboneregeneration(GBR) use membranes to create space and promote such proliferation. Today, this concept is widely applied in im- plantology. What are the main advantages of alloplastic matrices compared withnon-resorbablematerials? Zabalegui:Non-resorbablemem- branes were once the standard for GTR. However, the postoperative complications owing to membrane exposure and the fact that a second surgical procedure to remove the membrane was mandatory after four to eight weeks for the finalisa- tionoftheprocedurewarrantednew materials and protocols to address theseproblems.Alloplasticmatrices thatdonotproduceinflammatoryre- sponses and have a tissue-mediated metabolism have shown fewer post- operative complications and mor- biditythanhavenon-resorbablebar- riers. Giovannoli: Resorbable mem- branes reduce the risk of infection and failure. The GUIDOR Biore- sorbable Matrix Barrier also has some advantages linked to its qual- ity of tissue integration owing to the presence of two layers of material. This tissue integration gives good stability during the entire healing processandminimisestheriskofre- cessionofthecoveringsofttissue. What components are generally considered mandatory with re- gard to favourable outcomes in regenerativepractice? Zabalegui: During the last three decades,therehavebeenafairnum- ber of papers that describe many of the factors that we think are in- volved in the favourable outcome of a regenerative procedure. For GBR procedures, stability, space mainte- nanceandprotectionoftheregener- ativematerialwithoutexposuredur- ing the treatment phase are proba- blythemostimportantfactors.How- ever, the required time for barrier resorption to achieve good results is still not clear, since there have been reports of good results with both short- and long-lasting barrier mem- branes. Giovannoli: For GTR and GBR, like for any other periodontal ther- apy, the priority is access in order to be able to prepare the root surface properly. The membrane should be porous enough to favour the nutri- tion, but it should be placed around the root to ensure good hermeticity and prevent the downgrowth of the epithelial cells. The material should be stiff enough to maintain a space, and this space will determine the amount of repaired tissue obtained attheend.Inanycase,thesoft-tissue conditions should be favourable for submerging the product and keep- ing it submerged during the entire healing phase. For both GTR and GBR,thequalityofthebleedingisim- portant, since a dense clot must be obtainedinitially. The 1-hour Sunstar GUIDOR break- fast industry symposium will take RoomK11attheStockholmsmässan. “The best way to restore lost structures is to regenerate” An interview with EAO lecturers Drs Ion Zabalegui and Jean-Louis Giovannoli The Dental Tribune International C.E. Magazines Shipping address City Country Phone Fax Signature Date PayPal | Credit Card Credit Card Number Expiration Date Security Code €44/magazine (4 issues/year; incl. shipping and VAT for customers in Germany) and €46/magazine (4 issues/year; incl. shipping for customers outside Germany).** Your subscription will be renewed automatically every year until a written cancellation is sent to Dental Tribune International GmbH, Holbeinstr. 29, 04229 Leipzig, Germany, six weeks prior to the renewal date. 4 issues per year | * 2 issues per year *** €56/magazine (4 issues/year; incl. shipping and VAT) ** Prices for 2 issues/year are €22 and €23 respectively per year. CAD/CAM cone beam cosmetic dentistry* DT Study Club (France)*** gums* implants laser ortho prevention* roots I would like to subscribe to \ SUBSCRIBE NOW! fax: +49 341 48474 173 | e-mail: AD \ SUBSCRIBE NOW! fax: +4934148474173 | e-mail:

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