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today Nobel Biocare Global Symposium June 24, 2016

Nobel Biocare Global Symposium 11 products Introducing creos xenografts Designed by nature, developed for clinicians by Nobel Biocare  Sufficient bone quantity and quality are essential for successful dental implant treat- ment. For that reason, Nobel Biocare intro- duced creos regenerative solutions, an ex- tensive array of options for guided bone regeneration and guided tissue regeneration procedures. The latest addition to the creos range is the creos xenogain bone substitute. Together with the creos xenoprotect resorbable colla- gen membrane, it now offers clinicians a com- prehensive set of xenogeneic options for a wide variety of indications and preferences. A foundation for implant treatment— creos xenogain The creos xenogain bone substitute has been developed with clinical needs in mind. It has been proven to be biocompatible,1–4 and unique processing methods remove the bo- vine proteins and lipids.5, 6 The natural bone matrix of creos xenogain is characterized by micro- and interconnected macropore struc- tures.5, 6 With a calcium phosphate ratio that reflects the composition of human bone and a low crystalline structure, creos xenogain is accepted by the body as a suitable framework for bone formation.6–8 Bone substitutes in the creos xenogain range have a slow resorption rate and act as a long-lasting scaffold, main- taining space for bone regeneration.2 Easy to handle—creos xenogain For quick and easy application of the graft, creos xenogain is delivered sterile and comes either in a vial or in a bowl ready for mixing. There is also a choice of two granule sizes and up to four volume options, offering a wide variety of alternatives depending on the clinical indication and preference. The natural barrier— creos xenoprotect Once the bone substitute has been ap- plied, the resorbable creos xenoprotect mem- brane can be used to hold it in place and act as a barrier to soft-tissue ingrowth. Manufac- tured using highly purified collagen and elas- tin fibers, it possesses outstanding handling properties that make it easy to reposition and unfold. Hydrated in seconds, but with mini- mal size increase, creos xenoprotect can be trimmed when dry for accurate placement at the graft site.9 Once hydrated, creos xenoprotect is stronger than other non-cross-linked and chemically cross-linked membranes.10 With a higher pullout force, it also offers advan- tages in terms of suture retention.10 As it is highly resistant to degradation, creos xeno- protect offers prolonged protection of the graft site, while its excellent vascularization behavior and tissue compatibility support fast healing.11 Each product in the creos range of xeno- geneic solutions has been developed to opti- mize treatment results. This comprehensive se- lection offers biocompatibility, easy handling, slow resorption rates and variety. Whichever option the clinician chooses, he or she can be confident of building a reliable foundation for implant treatment success.1–11  References: 1. Park, H.N., Han, S.H., Kim, K.H., Lee, S.C., Park, Y.J., Lee, S.H., Kim, T.I., Seol, Y.J., Ku, Y., Rhyu, I.C., Han, S.B. & Chung, C.P., “A study on the safety and efficacy of bovine bone-derived bone graft material (OCS-B)”, Journal of Korean Academy of Periodontology, 35/2 (2005), 335–43. 2. Park, J.B., Hwang, Y.J., Seol, Y.J., Lee, Y.M., Kim, T.I., Ku, Y., Rhyu, I.C., Han, S.B., Lee, S.C., Park, Y.J., Rhee, S.H. & Chung, C.P., “Maxillary sinus floor augmentation using deproteinized bovine bone-derived bone graft material (OCS-B): Clinical and histologic findings in human”, Journal of the Korean Dental Association, 45/8 (2007), 491–9. 3. Shin, S.Y., Hwang, Y.J., Kim, J.H. & Seol, Y.J., “Long-term results of new deproteinized bovine bone material in a maxillary sinus graft procedure”, Journal of Peri- odontal and Implant Science, 44/5 (2014), 259–64. 4. Data on file for biocompatibility tests for OCS-B and OCS-B collagen (NIBEC). 5. Data on file from NIBEC. 6. Data on file for material properties of creos xenogain/ biomaterials, TER 147668 (Nobel Biocare). 7. Kyriazis, V. & Tzaphlidou, M., “Skeletal calcium/phos- phorus ratio measuring techniques and results. I. Microscopy and microtomography”, Scientific World Journal, 4 (2004), 1027–34. 8. Data on file for atomic emission spectrometry analysis (NIBEC). 9. Arrighi, I., Wessing, B., Rieben, A. & De Haller, E., “Resorbable collagen membranes expansion in vitro”, Journal of Dental Research, 93 (Special Issue B), Ab- stract 631, (2014). 10. Gasser, A., Wessing, B., Eummelen, L., Bühren, A. & Leemhuis, H., “Mechanical stability of collagen membranes: An in vitro study”, Journal of Dental Research, 95 (Special Issue A), Abstract 1683, (2016). 11. Bozkurt, A., Apel, C., Sellhaus, B., van Neerven, S., Wessing, B., Hilgers, R.D. & Pallua, N., “Differences in degradation behavior of two non-cross-linked col- lagen barrier membranes: An in vitro and in vivo study”, Clinical Oral Implants Research, 25/12 (2014), 1403–11. More to explore! For more information about creos regener- ative solutions, including articles and cases, visit  Creos xenogain is available in a bowl ready for mixing, eliminating the need for an additional sterile dappen dish.  The comprehensive creos xenogain portfolio features a range of creos xenogain xenogeneic bone substitutes and creos xenoprotect, a resorbable collagen membrane.  The creos xenoprotect membrane exhibits higher strength than other non-cross-linked and chemically cross-linked membranes once hydrated.

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