
f DT page 2A Can’t make it to Heidelberg, Ger- many, for the eigth annual “Update Implanntology” at the Steigmann Institute? Not to worry! You can still catch the high-qual- ity implant program, covering the most current topics in implantology. This meeting is geared toward new implantologists who want to update their knowledge of implants. The program features a panel of reknowned international speakers, who will share their recent findings and methods about surgery and pros- thetics. The FIZ Heidelberg e.V. and young implantologists developed this pro- gram to specifically provide an overall perspective on the new developments in implant dentistry. Collaborating with different soci- eties, a neutral view on established therapeutical methods and updated treatment aspects are offered. Participants will learn tips and tricks to use immediately in their daily practice. The workshops and the pre-congress will provide a deeper insight on methods to improve every- day skills. Take advange of DT Study Club’s online version of this event in the course Update Implantology VIII. The program begins at 7:20 a.m. EST, Friday, March 26, and at 3 a.m. on Saturday March 27. If you sign up for the live event, you will also have 30-day access to the recorded archive of each lecture (which means you can sleep in on Saturday and watch the courses you missed at another time). The online course fee is $265, which is a 50 percent discount from the regular course fee. All congress lectures will be simul- taneously translated into English from German. Friday, March 26 • 7:20–7:50 a.m. EST Dr. Frank Kistler, Landsberg Socket preservation as an alternative to immediate implant placement • 7:50–8:20 a.m. EST Dr. Thomas Hanser, Olsberg Hard- and soft-tissue manage- ment with predictable results: guidelines to esthetical and func- tional implant success • 8:20–8:50 a.m. EST Dr. Jordi Gargallo-Albiol, Bar- celona Immediate loading: Where are the limits? • 8:50–9:05 a.m. EST Discussion • 12:35–1:05 p.m. EST Dr. Claas Ole Schmitt, Oppenheim Upgrade your implantol- ogy: computer-based strate- gy, implantation and CAD/ CAM • 1:05–1:20 p.m. EST Discussion Saturday, March 27 • 3–3:30 a.m. EST Dr. Marcus Parschau, Buchholz Integration of implan- tology in young practical experience 4–4:45 a.m. EST Dr. Phillipe Russe, France One–piece implants: myths and facts • 8:15–8:45 a.m. EST Dr. Jörg Schmoll, ZTM Wolfgang Bollack The team approach; surgical, dental technic implementation of complex implant treatment, 3-D planning, template technique, sur- gery, prosthetic-strategic proceed- ing, decision of fixed or remov- able dentures • 8:45–9:15 a.m. EST Dr. Claudio Cacaci, Munich The role of provisional arrange- ment for long-term implant suc- cess • 9:15–9:45 a.m. EST Dr. Ernst Fuchs-Schaller, Zug Preservation and reconstruc- tion of the bioactive container • 9:45–10:15 a.m. EST Dr. Túlio Valcanaia, Brazil Vertical bone growth, bone graft and distraction osteogenesis • 10:15–10:45 a.m. EST Dr. Marius Steigmann, Neck- argemünd Incision, cloth and seam — adapted for esthetical implantology • 10:45 a.m. EST Discussion and end of conven- tion For additional information, please visit www.dtstudyclub. com. DT DENTAL TRIBUNE | March 2010 Online C.E. 19A AD Want to update your knowledge of implants?

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