
Clinical COSMETIC TRIBUNE | April 2010 AD 4B Labs evaluate you by … • Quality of impression, free of pulls, distortions or voids on the margins. • Photographs sent with shade tab desired, as well as prep or “stump” shade for all ceramic restorations. • Detailed prescriptions and “call to discuss” written on cases that require more communication. • Your willingness to be open to feedback. Ask your technician what you can do to make his/her job easier and he/she will be happily surprised. • Your direct and honest feedback. Technicians need to know what you like and what you don’t in order to improve and meet your expectations. About the author Laura Kelly is a dental ceramist andbegan her dental laboratory career in 1985. An accredited member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD), she is also the first dental technician to have been elected to serve as president of the AACD (2007– 2008). Recently, Kelly was elected to serve as secretary for the Interna- tional Federation of Esthetic Den- tistry (IFED), currently serves on the editorial board of Spectrum, and is also the editor in chief for Lab Tribune. She lectures nationally and internationally on dentist/technician communica- tions, new laboratory materials and how to incorporate effective marketing concepts into dental practices and laboratories. Kelly can be contacted at laura@lkdentalstudio.com. Maintains excellent marginal adap- tation due to the lost wax technique, and also provides a more natural appearance due to the internal placement of color. The most simplified technique, yet all surface staining creates an unnatural appearance, and sur- face stain can be removed leaving ‘bald spots’ if adjustments are necessary. CASEFILE:comparingtechniques pressed& stained pressed/ cut-back feldspathic/ layered Very natural appearance due to complete layering of porcelains. Can be technique and labor inten- sive, requiring technical exper- tise to provide excellent, life-like results. (Photos/Provided by Laura Kelly and Dr. Jeff Morley)

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