
18 I I business _ practice management _There are many benefits to refurbishing or relocating your dental practice, and although the decision to make such major physical changes to your surgery is usually secondary to other financial concerns, most practitioners find that they receive more than the obvious benefits with a new surgery. Theopportunitytostreamlinetheoperationofyour practiceandattractnewpatientscanbeimmensely profitable to your business. By increasing the func- tionality of your surgery, the productivity of your staff will improve. Patients will also feel more com- fortable in a fresh, well-organised, private practice. Afterabouttenyears,thefurnishingsandfittings inmostdentalpracticesbecomeworn.Fashionsalso change—to such an extent that even the most styl- ish design in 1997 can simply highlight the age of yourpracticetoday.Patientsexpectaclean,modern surgery design and associate it with the highest standards in health care. Most commercial leases are for five years, so the end of your second lease is often a convenient time to consider relocating your practice.Generally,thelifeofyourequipmentisalso about ten years, considering changes in technology and the availability of spare parts. Themainfactorsinvolvedinthedecisionregard- ing a new surgery are room for expansion, practice image, privacy for patients and staff, movement andfunctionality,standardsofhygiene,andtheage cosmeticdentistry 1_2010 The benefits of expanding and refurbishing your practice Author_ Anne Levitch, Australia Fig. 1_Before. Fig. 1 Fig. 2

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