
I 19 business _ practice management I cosmeticdentistry 1_2010 of equipment. Relocating to larger premises allows for the expansion of your surgery and the facilities to take on more staff, and therefore, more patients. Space adjoining your existing premises may be available, and awareness of such opportunities is worthwhile. Shouldyouupdatetheoverallimageofyourprac- ticeduringrefurbishment,youcouldaddressaspects such as the finishes, graphics, visibility, staff image and the facilities in your practice. Major refurbish- ment or relocation gives you an opportunity to over- haul the image of your practice, which can help you attract potential patients and retain existing ones. The traffic flow in your practice should allow for easy movement by staff and patients, whilst main- taining the privacy of both. Refurbishing gives you the opportunity to redesign the layout of your prac- tice, and make better use of the space available. Moving into a new space means your surgery can be designed based on the knowledge of your previous layout—its benefits and disadvantages. Your practice will ensure a higher standard of infection control with new fit-out and streamlined surfacestoclean.Anadvantageofrelocationoramajor refurbishment is the opportunity to upgrade equip- mentandreassessstorageneeds.Thesizeandacces- sibility requirements of new equipment and storage can be integrated into the design of a new practice. Relocation carries a greater financial risk than refurbishment, owing to the time it may take to secure new premises and an increase in short-term expenses, but this is usually outweighed by an increase in business. Fitting out a new space also eliminates the inconvenience of an interruption to the operation of your surgery, as you can continue practising in your old premises until the new space has been finished. Shouldyouconsiderrelocatingyoursurgery,start looking around generally for commercial premises in your area 18 months in advance, in order to better determine the range of spaces available and learn of futureopportunities?Lookingaheadoftimewillhelp you to secure a space that is appropriate and afford- able for your new surgery. Should you inform agents and owners that you are looking for premises, these opportunities may come to you._ Anne Levitch L2/280 Pacific Hwy PO Box 216 Lindfield NSW 2070 Australia cosmeticdentistry _contact Fig. 2_After extension into adjoining tenancy.

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