
29AdvertorialApril 26-May 2, 2010United Kingdom Edition 5AdvertorialApril 19-25, 2010United Kingdom Edition T he next stage of their roadmap is to introduce a dedicated edu- cational programme, designed especially for dentists wishing to provide the highest standard of care to their patients. The format of the course addresses both the requirements of practi- tioners looking to start providing dental implants as well as those who are already placing implants from other manufacturers. For non-implant dentists, the introduction days lead on to a one-year, hands-on and distance learning certificated course, equivalent to approx- imately 120 hours of verifiable CPD. The course, directed by Sam Mo- hamed of Smile Lincs, aims to impart everything a qualified dentist needs to know in order to confidently provide dental implants to their patients. Introductory two-day course During an initial two-day course practitioners are given an overview of the evolution of dental implants and how they can be integrated into a normal dentistry practice in the most cost-effec- tive way. The course looks at the basics of dental implantology, discussing osteointegration, treat- ment planning principles, radiographic tech- niques and restorative techniques. It also covers more practical aspects of dental implantology such as practice setup and marketing and intro- duces patients to implantology to ensure a good return on investment. Day 1 is aimed at providing non-implant dentists with an introduc- tion to implant procedures. Practitioners will leave knowing whether dental implants are both right for them as an individual and a feasible business proposition for their practice. DIO is also welcoming existing implant practitioners on the introduction day, which DIO claim exposes them to a new perspective and allows for non-biased discussions and a healthy propagation of expertise to all attending. Day 2 focuses on the clinical and restorative aspects of DIO Implants in more depth and is therefore applicable to both new an existing im- plantologists alike. Once the introductory course is complete, practitioners can confi- dently decide whether to sign up for the year-long modular course to expand their knowledge and become implantologists. Mr Forster states, “Dr Mohamed and I struck a chord – we both have the interests of UK dentists at heart. Sam has extensive expertise and relentless enthusiasm. Combine these qualities with a genu- ine desire to help individuals achieve at the highest level and you have the ingredients for success.” Modular Course The year-long modular course aims to provide dentists with everything they need to know to become knowledgeable and confident implantologists. The course includes ten in-depth modules, both theoreti- cal and practical, covering: • Osteointegration • Biomaterial in relation to bone orgmentation and membranes • How to select suitable dental implant patients • Treatment planning • Radiographic techniques in implant dentistry • Surgical techniques • Surgical kit orientation • Possible surgical complications • Restorative techniques • CT scanning and computer guided surgery • Marketing and promoting your new service Dentists are mentored throughout the course by Dr. Sam Moham- ed and his team. Dr. Mohamed is a highly trained dental implant sur- geon. Having trained with some of the world leaders in implant den- tistry, including Dr. Hilt Tatum Jr., the former president of the American Academy of Implant Dentistry (AAID), and Prof. Manuel Chanavaz, the Head of Oral and Maxillofacial Implantology Department at the Univer- sity of Lille2, Dr Mohamed has been placing implants for over 13 years. He is a member of both the Association of Dental Implantologists (U.K) and the AAID. Dr. Mohamed said, “Practitioners will attend our purpose built once a month to perform implant surgery under close supervision. This will give them real, hands-on experience and will quickly build their confi- dence in their own skills.” To supplement the hands-on training, Dr Mohamed is pro- viding distance-learning facilities via the Internet. Once the course has been completed practitioners will be awarded a certificate and logbook showing the number of pa- tients they have treated and the individu- al details of each case. Most importantly though, dentists completing the course will have all of the skills they need to effectively place implants and treat most patient cases. However, the professional support doesn’t stop there. Successful implantolgists are supported by Dr Mohamed’s “Continuing in Excellence” mentor program. Marketing Assistance DIO is very much aware that it’s all very well for dentists to learn new skills and develop new products, but the effort is useless if their patients are not made aware of the services that are on offer. So, to help dentists promote their new techniques the company is providing advice and guidance on market- ing techniques that dentists can employ to spread the word. These can include help with local PR, website design, brochure and leaflet design and production, Search Engine Optimisation, the use of social networking, etc. For more information on DIO implants and their training programmes visit www.DIOUK.com or call 0845 123 3996. DIO Professional Implant Education Following the success of the UK’s first public live theatre at the Dentistry Show, DIO Implant continues to boldly progress with its mission to change the face of the UK implant market for the better of everyone. DIO’s Managing Director explains, “For most patients, dental implants are a necessity. At DIO, we aim to bring the benefits DIO provides in overseas markets to the UK.”. He continues, “Dental implant treatment should be accessible by any patient who needs it, without compromising on quality of treatment or jeopardising the livelihoods of our valued UK implantologists ”.

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