
24 I I research _ platform switching implants1_2010 vant full text publications have been reviewed for a more detailed evaluation. Tables have been drawn up using data and find- ings extracted from relevant studies, further com- pared and analyzed in view of establishing a final conclusion. _Results Table 1 Jomi 2009; 24:103–109 Paolo Vigolo, Andrea Givani Platform Switched Restaurations on Wide-Diame- ter Implants: A 5-year Clinical Prospective Study Result: Statistically significant differences in mar- ginal bone loss have been observed between im- plantswithplatformswitching(0.6mm;SD0.2mm) andimplantswiththesameabutmentplatform(0.9 mm; SD 0.3 mm) Table 2 J Oral Maxilofacial Surg. 2007 Jul;65 M, Fickl S, Zuhr O, Wachtel HC Peri-implant bone level around implants with plat- form switched abutments: Preliminary data from a prospective study Result: The concept of platform switching ap- pears to limit crestal resorption and seems to pre- serve peri-implant bone levels. Significant differ- encesconcerningtheperi-implantboneheightin PS compared to non PS implants are still evident one year after final restauration. Table 3 Jomi 2007;22:995–1000 Luigi Canullo, Giulio Rasperini Preservation of Peri-implant Soft and Hard Tissues Using Platform Switching of Implants Placed in Im- mediate Extraction Sockets: A Proof-of-Concept Study with 12- to 36-months Follow-up Result: Post-extractiveimmediateimplantswith platform switching can preserve hard and soft tis- sues and, therefore, may provide better aesthetic outcomes. Table 4 Int. J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2008 Aug Cappiello M, Luongo R, Di Iorio D, Bugea C, Coc- 3i int hex PS -0.09 mm+/-0.65 mm -0.22 mm+/-0.53 mm -0.12 mm+/-0.4 mm 3i int hex non PS -1.73 mm+/-0.46 mm -2.02 mm+/-0.49 mm -0.29 mm+/-0.34 mm P

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