
36 I I meetings _ AOS Queensland implants1_2010 _The 7th Conference of the Australasian Os- seointegration Society was held from 4–7 No- vember2009.TheAustralasianOsseointegration Society (AOS) is an affiliate association of DGZI similar to the AO and AAID academies. Some DGZImembersjoinedthecongressandDGZIwas represented by the 1st Vice-president and Trea- surer Dr Rolf Vollmer as well as the international representative Dr Mazen Tamimi from Jordan. After flight time of around 20 hours the partici- pants enjoyed the scientific program under the motto “staying between the flags”. In his welcome greetings the current Presi- dent of AOS and AOS 2009 Chairman Saso Ivanovski emphasized: “On behalf of the Aus- tralasian Osseointegration Society, I am hon- oured and privileged to invite you to the AOS 7th Biennial Conference to be held at the Gold Coast, Queensland from 4–7 November 2009. Theconferenceisdedicatedto‘StayingBetween the Flags’, with the aim of fostering safe clinical practice by promoting understanding of the bene- fits and limitations of various contemporary clini- caltechniques.Thescientificprogramhasbeende- signed to address practical and highly relevant is- sues that concern all practitioners involved in im- plantdentistry,withlecturetopicstargetedatboth thebeginnerandtheexperiencedclinician.Wehave confirmed outstanding speakers who will con- tribute to an exciting three days, providing an au- thoritative and reliable scientific and clinical basis for the treatment of patients, as well as addressing exciting new innovations and research. Some of these internationally renowned speakers are: Prof Dr Jan Lindhe, Dr Michael Norton, Dr Ueli Grunder, Prof Joseph Kan, Dr Dietmar Weng, Dr Gabi Chaushu,ProfNiklausLangandDrRichardLazzara. Take a few extra days in conjunction with the conference and experience this wonderful loca- 7th Conference of the Australasian Osseo- integration Society Author_Dr Rolf Vollmer, Germany & Dr Mazen Tamimi, Jordan

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