
3) Match the pattern to the appropriate lesion. Part 1: case study A 45-year-old, healthy man visited his dentist for tooth pain and was informed that his mouth contained a “disease in disguise.” Upon oral examination, buc- cal-mucosa showed hyperkera- totic white, slightly elevated, diffuse patchy lesion extending toward the commissures of the mouth on the left side. The lesion was non-scrap- able in nature. The patient had a habit of smoking five to six bidis (a crude form of cigarette used in India) a day for the past four years. 1) What provisional diagnosis would you make of this lesion? a. Leukoplakia b. Linea alba c. Lichen planus d. Leukoedema e. Candidiasis Answer: A provisional diag- nosis of homogenous type of oral leukoplakia was made. Now let’s explore step-by- step given the patient’s infor- mation and assemble all the clues together to arrive at a diagnosis. Clue No. 1 Age/sex/general health = 45- year-old healthy man 2) Each of the lesions below is found in a patient that falls into this age/sex category. Match the lesion to the appro- priate sex/general health cat- egory. Lesion a. Candidiasis b. Lichen Planus c. Leukoedema Sex/general health 1. Male predilection 2. Female predilection 3. Commonly seen in a debilitating and malnourished group of society Clue No. 2 Pattern = Hyperkeratotic white, slightly elevated, diffuse patchy lesion extending toward the commissures of the mouth. DENTAL TRIBUNE | April 2010 Oral Pathology 15A AD Diagnose this: white lesions (the answer) g DT page 16A (Photo/Monica Malhotra)

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