
May 3-9, 201016 Lab Tribune United Kingdom Edition T he field of dental tech- nology is constantly evolving, and while the market for cosmetic dentistry continues to grow, science con- tinues to respond – producing products designed to meet cus- tomer demands. With this in mind, it is im- portant that all practitioners ensure they keep up with the latest treatment options, and are able to offer patients the most-up-to-date products and procedures. Most professionals are open to trying new things, but it can be scary putting your faith, and finances, into an un- known. Nevertheless, there are laboratories that work hard to ensure the products they offer provide the best in aesthetics and durability. With this along with several education pro- grammes designed to explain and demystify, there is very lit- tle for the dentist to fear. Stuck in a rut? It is very simple to get stuck in a routine. Many practition- ers understand that whilst their favoured lab may provide the most up-to-date products possible, the older products have always done the job just fine, and argue that this is a perfect case of, ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’. In 700 BC, it was common practice when repairing or re- placing missing or broken teeth to simply remove the tooth, and replace it with a ‘substitute’ tooth, commonly taken from another human or even an ani- mal. The substitutes were fas- tened to the existing teeth with gold bands and wires, and evi- dently filled the gap nicely. The procedure obviously worked, however it is hard to imagine that a modern patient would be very happy with this form of treatment now! With this in mind, it is impor- tant to remember that just be- cause something works, doesn’t mean it cannot be developed Embracing change It’s all too easy to stick to what you know when it comes to the treatments you offer and technology you use, but to meet patient demand, you have to keep up with new trends. Neil Photay and David Hands of Costech explain Embracing change in dental treatment The Clearstep System Comprehensive invisible orthodontics made easy The Clearstep System is a fully comprehensive, invisible orthodontic system, able to treat patients as young as 7. It is based around 5 key elements, including expansion,space closure/creation, alignment, final detailing and extra treatment options such as functional jaw correction. GDP friendly, with our with our Diagnostic Faculty providing full specialist diagnostic input and treatment planning, no orthodontic experience is necessary. As your complete orthodontic toolbox, Clearstep empowers the General Practitioner to step into the world of orthodontics and benefit not only their patients, but their practice too. Accreditation Seminar This accreditation seminar is aimed at General Practitioners, providing you with all the knowledge and skills required to begin using The Clearstep System right away. Personal Accreditation Receive a visit from a Clearstep Account Manager, providing a personal accreditation in your practice at a time convenient to you. Accreditation Seminars for 2010 30th March London 27th May Ireland 13th July London 9th September Birmingham 30th November London Further Courses Once accredited, further your orthodontic expertise with our Hands On Course, where you will learn sectional fixed skills and other methods to reduce your costs and treatment times. Clearstep Advanced Hands On Course dates for 2010 7th - 9th April London 25th - 27th October London To find out what Clearstep can do for you contact us today. 01342 337910 info@clearstep.co.uk www.clearstep.co.uk OPT_DentalTribune_210x297_JAN_PressAd:Layout 1 25/1/10 16:31 Page 1

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