
I 45 industry report _ non-prep veneers I cosmeticdentistry 2_2010 tooth structure even when examined from different angles (Fig. 9). The lower dental arch has been re- shaped as a result of the orthodontic treatment and no longer contains gaps. The upper marginal gingival contourhasbeencorrectedtofollowa‘high-low-high’ pattern, which has a decisive effect on the pink-white aesthetics.Accordingtothispattern,thegingivalmar- gins are located higher on the upper central incisors thanontheadjacentlateralones,whilethemarginson the lateral incisors are located lower than on the ca- nines. If details such as this pattern are not observed, theaestheticresultlooksonlyhalfasgoodasitshould evenifanotherwiseexcellentrestorationisplaced. The restorations reflect the typical characteristics of the natural teeth. Figure 10 shows the beautiful designofthesurfacetextureoftheveneers,including their shiny marginal contours. The light is optimally transmitted through the veneers and scattered. The resultingreflectionsandopticaleffectsimpartanat- ural-looking vibrant appearance to the ceramic ve- neers. The translucent effect of the lithium disilicate glass-ceramic creates a pleasant chameleon effect; the contact points correlate to one another and the incisal triangles are shaped in a slightly open curve. The gingiva does not show any signs of irritation and it features a healthy stippled surface texture. These veneers offer a decisive advantage when placing restorations with margins in the visible area. In younger patients in particular, the gum line may recede with increasing age. However, receding gum linesdonotpresentadisadvantageintermsofquality oraestheticswiththeserestorations,astheirmargins are invisible. _Conclusion In the present case, the patient’s expectations in terms of shape, size and shade were optimally met. Her appearance was favourably altered without sacrificing any dental hard tissue. From the current vantage point, non-prep veneers are thus indicated in cases in which misaligned teeth or differences in tooth length negatively affect the appearance of anterior teeth, and preparation is not a necessity. Comparedwithconventionalveneersorcrowns,non- prep veneers represent not only a highly aesthetic, but also a minimally invasive treatment option. Non-prep veneers expand the range of dental treatment options and provide a viable route to meet thepatient’sdesireforaestheticimprovement,which previously could not be carried out because the resultinglossoftoothstructurewouldhavebeenun- acceptable to both the patient and clinician. Hence, this treatment option, which has been used in North America successfully for quite some time and is becoming increasingly popular, is also of interest to young and young-at-heart patients in Europe. Although the dentist does not need to grind the teethtoplacenon-prepveneers,thedesiredresulthas to be accurately planned and the procedure perfectly prepared.Insertionwithoutguidegroovesinparticu- lar requires a maximum measure of concentration and sure instinct. Selecting an appropriate material is equally essential. With its exceptional strength, the IPS e.max Press lithium disilicate glass-ceramic is a materialsuitedforthispurpose.Oncethedelicateand fragile-lookingceramicveneershavebeenadhesively placed insitu, they are durable and stable._ Fig. 9_A beautiful result: the margin of the restoration tapers to invisible and there are no gaps in the dental arch. Fig. 10_The surface texture scatters the light. The reflections impart a natural vibrancy. Dr Harald Streit Gartenstraße 11 97616BadNeustadta.d.Saale Germany E-mail: MDT Bernhard Hellmuth Unikat Dental Labor Gartenstraße 11 97616BadNeustadta.d.Saale Germany cosmeticdentistry _contact Fig. 10Fig. 9

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