
I 07 clinical report _ continuous wave technique I roots3_2010 its apical movement and stop just shy of the binding point, about 1mm short. At this point, any previously cleaned lateral and accessory canals are filled. Firm apical pressure should be sustained for a full 5-second push in order to take up any shrinkage that mightoccuruponcoolingoftheapicalmassofgutta- percha.TheSystem-B/Elementsunitwillsoundaclick signal 5 seconds after the switch has been released. _Step 2: Separation burst Still maintaining apical pressure, the button should again be activated for a full second in order to heat the plugger fully. When the button is released, theclinicianshouldpauseforanotherfullsecond,and then slowly withdraw the plugger. After removal of the CW plugger, the small, flexible NiTi end of the CW hand plugger can be introduced. With pressure, the clinician should confirm that the apical mass of gutta-percha has not dislodged, and that it has cooled and set. In medium and large canals, the plugger should not be buried in the apical mass of gutta-percha, as it will create a tubular spaceā€”the primary cause of backfill voids. The canal is now ready for the backfill by any means preferred. If post space is required, this has been achieved. The backfill can be accomplished using one of the following methods: a syringe- backfill technique, using the extruder function of the System-B/Elements, or an optional single-cone technique for back-filling medium and large canals. Fig. 11Fig. 10Fig. 9 Fig. 8Fig. 7 Fig. 6Fig. 5

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