
implants2_2010 to 8°. However, given the anatomical shape of the jaws, especially the maxilla, it is almost impossible to placeanteriorimplantssothattheydonotexceedthis axialdivergence.Theproblemofanglecompensation has to be resolved in the simplest possible manner. Any manipulation at the laboratory constitutes a compromisethatdefeatsthepurposeofworkingwith prefabricated components. The Kobold, the Titan and the complete abutment are systems which lead to easier success in fixed and removable implant-pros- thetics. Dr Rolf Vollmer, Germany The posterior atrophied maxilla. Patient-centered choice of treatment Sinus lifting techniques have been known about for more than 20 years and are accepted as standard tech- niques, ie beyond the experi- mental stage. This lecture describes the development of sinus lift from its origins and explains the indirect anddirectmethodsaswellasgivinghintsfortheirdif- ferent indications. However, alternatives to these si- nusliftproceduresshouldalsobeconsidered,andwe will therefore discuss minimally invasive procedures which may be possible in the future. Prof Dr Dr Ralf Gutwald, Germany Bioengineering in Implan- tology For reconstruction prior to dental implantation the gold standard is still autolo- geous bone. Disadvantages are the limited availability of bone and the necessity of an additional surgical pro- cedure which always implies the risk of donor site morbidity.ExternalTissueEngineeringproceduresfor hard tissue augmentations of the maxilla offer ad- vantages compared with conventional grafts, as there is minimal or no donor site morbidity. Addi- tionally, Internal Tissue Engineering with bone-in- ducing factors like BMP-2 look promising for use in bone augmentation procedures. Current research aims at investigating the influ- ence of stem cells on biomaterials. In animal experi- mentsstemcellapplication(achairsideprocedure)in combinationwithabiomaterial(BioOss)showlamel- larboneformation.Thevolumepreservationwasbet- terinthetestsidethaninthecontrolsidewherecan- cellous bone was applied only. The new bone forma- tion was comparable. In a clinical multi centre study 45 sinuses were augmented with BioOss and stem cells (test) and 25 sinusesweretreatedwithamixtureofBioOssandau- tologeous bone (control). Biopsies were obtained when implants were inserted after three months. Therewerealsonodifferencesinnewboneformation. MasterStudentpresentations Dr Iyad Ghoneim, MSc Krems University, Syria Immediate implantation at the time of extraction— Clinical study with litera- ture review Missing teeth is a very old problem which has plagued humankind for many years. Varioussolutionshavebeenattempted,rangingfrom re-implantingtheteethextracted,tomakingartificial prosthesis in the shape of the missing teeth, to im- plantation of a biologically accepted material like ti- tanium, which is the material of choice today. A vast number of studies have taken place to assess the rate of success of Titanium implants and much develop- ment has taken place by researchers to develop these implants and to improve their mechanical and tech- nical characteristics. At the same time, a variety of new surgical techniques have been developed in or- der to provide a larger range of treatments options. Dr Hussam Bakki, MSc Krems University, Kuwait The Presence of Under- wood’s Septa in the Maxil- lary Sinus Among The Po- pulation of Kuwait This thesis is intended to examine the frequency of Underwood’s Septa amongst the population of Kuwait, and consider how to deal withitwhileimplementingsinusliftsurgerybyproper planningconsideringthesepta’smorphologyandlo- cation, based on a reliable CT scan imaging. For this purposeradiographsfrom8patientswhounderwent sinus lift operation were re-evaluated in our special- ist dental centre. Materials & Methods In this study, a relatively small sample population of 8 patients was considered (2 males and 6 females), with an average age of 35 years, ranging between 26 and 44 years. Nine sinuses were operated on (sinus lift). All patients were candidates for dental implant- supportedrestorationsplacement-theywereingood Dr Rolf Vollmer Prof Dr Dr Ralf Gutwald Dr Iyad Ghoneim (l.) Dr Hussam Bakki (l.)

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