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Worldental Daily Salvador de Bahia, 2 September T he president of FDI World Dental Federation, Dr. Roberto Vianna from Brazil, explains the goals and objectives of the “Voice of Den- tistry,” and of the 2010 Annual World Dental Congress now taking place in SalvadordaBahía. WDD:What’sthesignificanceofthe FDI2010AWDCinBrazil? Dr Roberto Vienna: In 1981, Brazil hosted the Annual World Dental Con- gress (AWDC) and back then Brazil was already advanced in terms of the promotion of oral health through the scientific, technological and political development of Dentistry. Brazilian ea- gerness to contribute globally made it asuitablehostoftheFDIAWDC.Almost three decades later, it is hosting its sec- ond congress. Brazil has much to offer: with 20% of the world’s dentists, it has one of the most proficient dental com- munitiesandathrivingdentalindustry. WhatareFDIobjectives? •Knowledgetransfer •Globaloralhealthdevelopment •Memberengagement HowisFDIachievingtheseobjectives? •Science and Education programs. FDI participates in and supports con- tinuing dental Education Programs around the world. Also, FDI leads the AWDC Scientific program—an educa- tionaleventwithspeakersfromaround the world and a focus on the latest scientific topics affecting the dental professionglobally. •Advocacy Activities. FDI develops and disseminates policies, standards and information related to all aspects of oral health care around the world, including Global Health and Tobacco Control. •Development projects. FDI promotes and supports global oral health de- velopment for deprived communities andpopulationsinvariousways: –Projects at grassroot level. In coop- eration with FDI member associa- tions and non-governmental organ- izations and supported through grants of the FDI’s World Dental De- velopmentFund.Projectshavebeen established in Latin America, Asia andAfrica. –Support to develop appropriate policies. FDI supports governments andotherorganizationsintheformu- lation of comprehensive oral health policies and helps in their imple- mentation. –Globalpartnershipstoimproveoral health.FDIworksinclosepartnership with the WHO, other UN agencies, healthprofessionsandorganizations toimproveoralhealthworldwide. •Global Health Promotion. FDI is a member of the World Health Profes- sions Alliance, together with the In- ternationalCouncilofNurses,Interna- tional Pharmaceutical Federation and WorldMedicalAssociation. •Communications. FDI produces pub- lications on topics related to oral healththroughitspublishingdivision, FDI World Dental Press, based in the United Kingdom, such as the Interna- tional Dental Journal (IDJ), Developing Dentistry, FDI Worldental Commu- niqué and Annual Report. Other re- sources include the FDI website, VOX andDataMirror. What's the status of the Global CariesInitiative? The Global Caries Initiative, created conceptuallyin2008toEradicateCaries by 2020, was launched at a major con- ference in collaboration with one of our FDI members, the Brazilian Dental As- sociation (ABO), in Rio de Janeiro in July 2009. This conference was followed by meetingsinSingapore,attheFDIAWDC; inNewYork,duringtheGreaterNewYork DentalMeeting;andin2010itwasintro- duced in Dubai during the AEEDC meet- ing. Meetings are planned in Durban, South Africa (Oct 2010) and Brisbane, Australia (April 2011). As the initiative takes shape other major international oralhealthorganizationsarecomingon board and financial and expert support isgrowing. WhatareFDI’spartnerships? •Live.Learn.Laugh.Buildingonthesuc- cess of the first phase, which raised awareness of the importance of oral health through 40 projects carried out in 37 countries, FDI and Unilever Oral CarewillcontinueintoPhaseIIoftheir global partnership Live.Learn.Laugh. This second phase will be launched at the FDI 2010 AWDC and will focuse onthemessageofbrushingtwicedaily with a fluoride toothpaste, and aim to haveanevengreaterimpact. •Global Mercury Partnership. In 2009, FDI joined the Global Mercury Part- nership within the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) to ensure that the international dental community,andissuesregardingden- tal amalgam, were properly and accu- rately represented in UN discussions onmercury.FDI’spositionisembodied inastatementapprovedbytheGeneral Assembly, which forms the basis of the presentation of dentistry’s case, to retain the use of dental amalgam forrestorativepurposes.Thisposition wasstatedbytheFDIPresidentandEx- ecutive Director at a joint WHO/UNEP conference on the future of dental restorative materials, attended by a broad cross-section of interested par- ties. In December 2009, FDI released anofficialstatementtoWHOandUNEP onDentalAmalgamandTheFutureUse ofDentalMaterialsforDentalRestora- tionatajointWHO/UNEPmeeting. •FDI/WHO. In January 2010, the Execu- tiveBoardofWHOrenewedFDI’sstatus as a “non-governmental organization (NGO)inofficialrelations”withWHO. Thankyoufortheinterview. O presidentedaFDIWorldDental Federation,Dr.RobertoVianna, do Brasil, explica as metas e objetivos da organização conhecida como a “Voz da Odontologia”, e do CongressoDentalMundialAnual2010 agoraaterlugaremSalvadordaBahia. WDD: Qual é a importância do con- gressomundialdaFDI2010noBrasil? Dr. RobertoVienna: Em 1981, o Bra- sil sediou o Congresso Dental Mundial Anual (AWDC) e na época o Brasil já era avançado em termos de promoção da saúde oral, através do desenvolvi- mento científico, tecnológico e político daOdontologia.Brasilafãdecontribuir globalmente fez uma série adequada do FDI AWDC. Quase três décadas de- pois, ele está hospedando o seu se- gundo congresso. O Brasil tem muito para oferecer: com 20% dos dentistas do mundo, tem uma das comunidades dental mais capacitadas e uma prós- peraindústriaodontológica. YOUR ANNUAL WORLD DENTAL CONGRESS NEWSPAPER Thursday, 2 September 2010 FDIWorldentalDaily AninterviewwithFDIPresidentRobertoVianna UmaentrevistacomopresidentedaFDI,RobertoVianna TheonlyglobalcongressOúnicocongressoglobal AD 4page página 2 IADARECEPTION—Fromlefttoright,FDIPresidentRobertoVianna,ADApresident RonaldTankersley,Oral-BVPforOralcare,Scientific&ProfessionalRelationsPaul Warren,andADAPresident-ElectRaymondGistRECEPÇÃODAADA.