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I meetings _ Osteology implants3_2010 _In Cannes, the city of the rich and beautiful people, aesthetics has always played a major role, es- pecially at the international film festival. In April 2011, the next international Osteology Symposium will illuminate aesthetics from adifferentsideandputthespotlightonre- generative therapies with their current possibilities and limits. In recent years, regenerative thera- pies in implantology and periodontol- ogyhavechangedmarkedly,frompure hard tissue augmentation to compre- hensivemanagementandaugmenta- tion of bone and soft tissue. Both tis- sues are essential for a stable, func- tional and aesthetic outcome. The scientific programme of Osteology inCannesreflectsthisfact:besides recent results on bone regenera- tion and the handling of compli- cations, an important focus will be on new treatments and products for soft tissue aug- mentation. From 14–16 April 2011, experienced researchers and well-known practitioners will discuss the latest research results and current treatment concepts. The preliminary congress on Thursday will be entirely practice-oriented: in workshops the participants will be able to discuss treatment methods and train in them practically. The main scientific programme on FridayandSaturdaywillshowwhichtherapiesareto- day’s state of the art and underpinned by clinical evi- dence,howriskfactorsareassessedandhowcompli- cations are treated. Talks and presentations on new studies and with specific treatment tips, and also the clinical forum with a podium discussion of clinical cases,willprovideanswerstothequestions:whatare today’s possibilities and limits for regenerative ther- apy and in what direction will they develop? The international Osteology symposia have be- comeestablishedinthelastfewyearsasthemostim- Osteology in Cannes Beauty, function and their challenges Author_Dr Birgit Wenz, Switzerland 40 I