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I 41 meetings _ Osteology I implants3_2010 portant series of congresses on the topic of regener- ation. Osteology in Cannes will again combine high- qualitysciencewithspecificclinicanddentalpractice demands, on one of Europe’s most beautiful coast- lines. And while “more illusion than reality“ is pre- sentedatthefamousCannesFilmFestival,Osteology will show how clinicians can today achieve not only “reality“ in regeneration that will also be “long-stay“. Osteology in Cannes—the topics: _GBR in implant patients—a critical overview _Clinical evidence for improvement of the long-term prognosis of teeth through GTR _Regenerative treatment of peri-implantitis _Sinus floor augmentation _Treatment of complex cases _Soft tissue aesthetics around teeth and implants _New treatment methods in soft tissue augmenta- tion. Osteology Foundation Landenbergstrasse 35 6002 Lucerne,Switzerland _contact implants