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42 I I meetings _ International CAMLOG Congress implants3_2010 _Steady, sustained growth even in economi- cally difficult times and on the leading edge of technology:Camlogandmorethan1,200guestsof the congress directed by Prof Wilfried Wagner, University of Mainz, had more than a few reasons tocelebrate.Thisalsoincludedthattoday,CAMLOG ranks among the world’s five leading companies in the scientific documentation of treatment suc- cess. The 3rd International CAMLOG Congress has set lasting standards by the quality of the contribu- tions and a balanced proportion of practical rele- vanceandscientificunderpinning.Impressivepre- sentations on the topics of digital implant den- tistry, soft-tissue integration, prosthetics, 3-D planning and augmentation left nothing to be de- sired from a clinical perspective. Othertopicsincludedtheprosandconsofplat- form switching, aspects of the biological width, conicalvs.Tube-in-Tube™connections,theimpact of implant positioning on hard- and soft-tissue development, CAD/CAM solutions, screw fixation vs. cementation, abutment materials and more. Rightatthebeginningofthecongress,ProfJür- gen Becker, University of Düsseldorf, the newly elected president of the Camlog Foundation for four years, who took over from the now honorary president of the Foundation, Prof Rolf Ewers, Uni- versity of Vienna, emphasized the great impor- tance of the Camlog Foundation in the continued advancement of implant dentistry. With 60 scientific publications in 2009 alone, Camlog has also been successful in becoming one the the leading “evidence-based” implant providers. Intheend,aparticularhighlightofthecongress wastheoutstandingpanelofexpertswithremark- ablesolutionscomplementedbyconstructivecon- tributions from the audience. But the CAMLOG Congress 2010 in Stuttgart had even more to offer than just professional tid- bits.Alreadybeforetheactualcongress,manypar- ticipants attended the pre-program with practical and theoretical workshops or a visit to the Porsche or Mercedes-Benz Museums. At the alternative tourofthenewlyexpandedstate-of-the-artCAM- LOG production plant in Wimsheim, more inquisi- tive participants were counted than in the Porsche Museum in Stuttgart. The CAMLOG “Night of the Stars” party was a unforgettable experience where the guests were all received on a red carpet like in Hollywood—in- 3rd International CAMLOG Congress “From science to innovations and clinical advances”