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40 I I industry news _ VDW _Canal curvature has always introduced com- plexity into canal preparation. Dr James B. Roane’s balanced force technique (1985) was a promising concept using stainless-steel hand instruments in small clockwise and counter-clockwise movements. BasedonDrRoane’sideabutusingrotaryNiTiinstru- ments and a reciprocating motor, Dr Ghassan Yared (Canada) developed the method to ingenious perfec- tion. After an experimentation phase of more than seven years, he sent his first description of the canal preparation technique with only one rotary instru- ment to roots in March 2007. In the hands of the experienced endodontist, it worked. However, more than three years and a team of engineers, metallur- gists and electronic technicians were necessary to turnagreatideaintoaprofessionalproduct,consist- ing of Reciproc instruments, motor, paper points and gutta-percha points. Dr Yared and VDW Germany nowintroducedthesystemforthefirsttimeatthe8th World Endodontic Congress in Athens. Themajorityofallcanalanatomiescanbeprepared with the new technique using only one reciprocating file and without glide path or initial instrumentation. In reciprocation, the Reciproc file is initially driven in a cutting direction and then reverses to release the instrument.Onerotationof360°iscompletedinsev- eral reciprocating movements. Root-canal preparation without creating a glide path goes against the current teaching standard for rotaryinstrumentation,whichrequiresaninitialglide pathinordertominimisetheriskoffractureduetoan instrument binding in the canal. However, in recipro- cation, the angles of alternating right and left rota- tions are significantly lower than the angles at which a Reciproc instrument would fracture. These angles are stored in the Reciproc endodontic motor, pre- ventingtheinstrumentfromrotatingpastitsspecific angle of fracture. The centring ability of the recipro- cation technique allows the instrument to follow the natural path of least resistance, which is the root canal. Reciproc instruments have been specifically designed for use in reciprocation and are produced withM-wireNiTiinaninnovativethermal-treatment process. This alloy has both increased resistance to cyclic fatigue and greater flexibility than common NiTi material. Another advantage of the specific designisanenormouscapacitytoremovedebrisfrom thecanalthankstodeepflutes.Additionally,theflex- ible S-shaped cross-section with two cutting edges provides high cutting ability at reduced friction. From three file sizes—R25, R40 or R50—the one matchingthecanalsizebestneedstobeselected.The initial taper of each file is larger over the first 3mm from the tip, enabling a #30 irrigation syringe to be placed close to the apex. The canal shape obtained with each of the three instruments is optimal for all modern obturation techniques. The Reciproc system is designed for conven- ience and safety. The instruments are specified for single use, making the work flow more efficient andreducingtheriskofcontamination.OneReciproc instrument does the job of several hand and rotary instruments. Single use also protects from the risk of material fatigue caused by over-use. The Reciproc system is manufactured by VDW Germany and will be available from January 2011 onwards. Please visit and check out a number of videos on single file reciprocation with the RECIPROC system and give it a try!_ roots4_2010 The RECIPROC system VDW GmbH Bayerwaldstr.15 81737 Munich Germany // _contact roots Dr Ghassan Yared