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I 43 meetings _ 8th World Endodontic Congress I roots4_2010 he was still a struggling cartoonist in Kansas City. Payment for the film allowed Disney to settle debts and head for Los Angeles, where he launched his his- toric career in animation and moviemaking. I, as well asmanyothersintheaudience,enjoyedwatchingthe film for the very first time. Prof Ingle, we are grateful for your contribution to the congress! Lectures of the highest quality marked the con- gress in Athens. Prof Hargreaves, Dr Gabriela Martin (Argentina) and many others presented evidence for revascularisationandregenerationefforts.Antibiotic pastes, scaffolds, cells and growth factors performed on the stage under the guidance of the speakers. Researchers and industry leaders are working on these issues and some major advances in this field may be very near. Dr Enrique Merino (Spain) explored the endo– implant controversy and Dr Giuseppe Cantatore (Italy) lectured on A critical approach to new NiTi instrumentsformechanicalglidepath. It was impos- sible to attend every session, as there were simulta- neouslecturesindifferenthalls,aswellashigh-qual- ity poster sessions. One presentation that impressed meinparticularwasThree-dimensionalphotography in endodontics by Dr Moscoso and colleagues from the University of Catalonia in Barcelona, Spain. Imagine your PowerPoint presentations and your microscope videos being transformed into a 3-D visual experience! Dr Luc van der Sluis (The Netherlands) and the fluid dynamics team were also present and gave an overview of their interesting research on irrigation dynamics and delivery techniques. “Maybe in the future we will produce some kind of bioactive yogurt to fill the canals effectively,” commented Dr van der Sluisinaprivateconversation.Inmyopinion,untilwe do, we will have to present and seek evidence for everything we do. Effectiveroot-canaldebridementanddisinfection techniques were reconsidered by Prof Baumgartner inhisinspiringlecture.Areweclosetosterilisationof the infected root-canal system? According to Prof Baumgartner we are “pretty close”. On the last day of the congress, Prof Kim held a passionate lecture on evidence-based endodontic microsurgery and Prof Friedman’s closing lecture offered the best of current evidence for treatment outcomes, supporting what we do and that about which are passionate—Evidence-based Endodontics, which was the theme of the congress. AluckyfewhadtheprivilegeofwatchingProfKim perform live surgery on a mandibular molar under the microscope. The event was sponsored by Satelec and Carl Zeiss and took place at the facilities of the University of Athens Dental School. In closing, I would also like to say a few words about the social programme. The welcome reception took place on a cruise boat, at which the Ouzo and Greek wine served offered attendees the opportunity to relax after the high level but exhausting sessions. The Gala Dinner, which was held at the well-known Aegli Zappiou Restaurant, was so entertaining that manyoftheparticipantsfounditdifficulttowakeup in time for the morning sessions. Prof Baumgartner, we thank you for waking all of us up in the first ten minutes of your inspiring lecture. I could write many more pages about what hap- pened in Athens during the 8th World Endodontic Congress,butIthinkIhavemademypoint.Thankyou Athens! We will remember you as a wonderful host!_