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44 I I meetings _ ESMD 2010 _From 16 to 18 September 2010, over 300 delegates from 30 different countries assembled in Vilnius,Lithuania,forthesecondcongressoftheEuro- pean Society of Microscope Dentistry (ESMD). I have attended several meetings dedicated to microscope dentistryduringmycareerandhavetoadmitthatthis onewasasgoodastheyget. Simply put, the better you can see something, the better you can understand and treat it, and, thanks to thegreatimagingabilityofmicroscopes,thebetteryou candocumentandsharetheinformationwithyourpa- tientsandcolleagues.Forthoseofuswhohavealready adopted this technology in our daily work, there is no goingback.Today,theoperatingmicroscope(OM)isno longeronlyusedbyendodontists.Prosthodontistsand periodontists equally are enhancing their treatments withmagnification,illuminationanddocumentation. On the first day of the programme, delegates were able to select from a variety of hands-on work- shops,includingmicrosurgerysuturing,non-surgical endodontics, precision preparation techniques for crownsandveneers,3-Dobturationtechniques,soft- tissue management around implants and microsur- gicalreconstructiveprocedures.Alternatively,master classes in practice management, digital imaging, matrix-free composite build-ups, laser use, tooth discolouration treatment and 3-D diagnosis were offered. The main programme, which offered intro- ductoryworkshopsonmicroscopeuse,allowedinter- national speakers to demonstrate their expertise and the accuracy of their periodontal, prosthodontic and endodontic skills. The wonderful aspect of presenta- tions at today’s meetings is the tangible manner in which information can be presented through video andstillphotographytakenthroughtheOM—andnot onlyoneortwoimagesbutawholestreamofpictures that really convey the techniques, benefits and out- comes of the treatment. This is a level of discussion, education and knowledge transfer that was previ- ously not possible. Aninnovativeandsuccessfullivedemonstrationof a periodontal surgery, performed by Dr Jan Behring, and a molar preparation, performed by Dr Horst roots4_2010 Ameeting of minds— Seeing is believing Author_ Dr David English, UK