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I 39 feature _ interview I cosmeticdentistry 1_2009 DrMopper:Theprocessworksinthiscompany by taking ideas and using them in practical appli- cation. Products are evaluated on a clinical basis considering ease of application, durability and final results. Cosmedent products stand the test of time because of their chemistry and quality control. _WouldyouexplainhowtheCenterforEsthetic Excellence(CEE)functionsandwhatitoffers? Mr O’Malley: The CEE focuses on teaching what we know best—how to work with modern resin materials to accomplish beautiful aesthetic results.Classesaresmall,limitedto15dentists,so there is always a lot of individual attention to problem solving and teaching current dental techniques. A hands-on experience is included with each class. Dr Mopper: The CEE is dedicated to teaching the bonding experience better than any other fa- cility in the country. For those who want to learn the artistry of direct resin bonding, the CEE is the place to come. We consider ourselves a very motivational institution; we motivate clinicians to increase respect for themselves when they acquire the skill to be dental artists. Because cosmetic dentistry is not a part of the curriculum in dental schools, the CEE fills this void in the educationalsystemandgivesdentalprofessionals a place to focus on current aesthetic techniques. Cosmedent’s Renamel Microfill has been the No. 1 rated composite for a remarkable 17 years and it also has received REALITY’s Product of the Year award three times. Now you have expanded thislinetoincludeRenamelNANO.Wouldyoutell me about this new product? Dr Mopper: Cosmedent had a nano composite from the beginning of the company. Renamel Microfill was the first true nanofill resin and con- tinues to be recognized as the No. 1 composite in dentistry. Renamel NANO was recently developed with the handling properties and aesthetics of a microfill and the strength of a hybrid, combining many of the best qualities of these products in a singleusecomposite.RenamelNANOwillprovide excellent restorative results in all types of aes- thetic restorations, both anterior and posterior. Our Renamel NANO is also completely integrated to the Renamel Restorative System for dentists who prefer to use a layering technique. Mr O’Malley:Overtheyearswenoticedaneed in the marketplace for a universal composite that not only handled well, but also performed aes- thetically. Renamel NANO was really born out of this need. Renamel NANO was designed for the dentist who wants to use just one composite, but does not want to sacrifice on the end aesthetic result. _Would either of you be willing to share with mesomepearlsofwisdomyouhavelearnedafter 25 years? Dr Mopper: “Don’t believe everything you read.” If I had believed all of the early negativism surrounding composite dentistry, I would never have experimented with these materials and realisedhowtheywouldchangedentistryandmy life forever. “You never get more satisfaction out of dentistry than what you do yourself.” When you work directly with composite resin you feel a higher sense of gratification. This is your chance to really shine as a dentist as well as an artist. You can be as creative as you choose to be while remaining fresh and innovative. It will not take longforyoutorealisetheeffectscompositehason your confidence, your patients smile and your office revenues. “A dentist who improves a smile givesagiftbothtothepatientandhimself/herself.” Mr O’Malley: I really share the same pearls of wisdom as Buddy. “Don’t believe everything you read.” Despite the popularity of cosmetic den- tistry, there are still a lot of misrepresentations and faulty product claims circulating in the industry. Consumers are overloaded with infor- mation, making it very difficult to recognise what is real and what is not. It is therefore always im- portant to ask questions, stay open-minded, and always think for yourself. “You never get more satisfaction out of business than what you do yourself.” Although starting a business involves a lot of hard work and an extreme time commit- ment, there is nothing more satisfying. The ex- citement Buddy and I share towards our products and contribution to dental aesthetics extends far beyondanythingIcouldhaveimagined.“Nothing spreads joy better than a smile.” I have seen countless lives improve after a smile makeover. A beautiful, real smile radiates from the inside out. IamveryproudoftherolethatCosmedentplayed in fostering the success, innovation and growth of the cosmetic dental field._ Cosmedent,Inc. 401N.MichiganAve.,Ste.2500 Chicago,Ill60611,USA Tel.:+18006216729 Fax:+13126449752 cosmeticdentistry _contact info