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cosmeticdentistry 1_200904 I I content _ cosmetic dentistry I editorial 03 Dear Reader _ Sushil Koirala, Editor-in-Chief 07 Welcome to ourAsian colleagues _ Wynn Okuda I case study 08 Tooth whitening:Aconservative approach _ So-Ran Kwon 12 Non-invasive mini porcelain veneers: An alternative to direct resin restorations _ Dinos Kountouras I clinical technique 16 Maximum aesthetics with minimal intervention _ Sushil Koirala I opinion 22 Aesthetic inlays and onlays: The coming of age _ Ronald D. Jackson I industry report 26 CAD/CAM was just the beginning _ Manfred Kern 30 Asmile says more than a thousand words: Reconstruction & modification of anterior teeth _ Ronaldo Hirata I industry news 34 Nobel Biocare adds to its NobelActive implant system I feature 36 TheAsianAcademy ofAesthetic Dentistry:Abrief history _ Seok-Hoon Ko 38 An interview with Cosmedent Inc. co-founders Michael O’Malley & Dr K. William ‘Bud’Mopper I lifestyle 40 Naxos—life, the Greek way _ Annemarie Fischer & Daniel Zimmermann I meetings 44 The International Congress on DentalAesthetics in Sofia _ Nadejda Kuyumdjieva 48 Cosmetic events I about the publisher 49 _submissions 50 _ imprint page 26 page 30 page 40 page 08 page 12 page 16