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08 I I case study _ tooth whitening _A beautiful smile tends to be associated with health, self-confidence, and happiness, and because of this, it influences a person’s self-esteem and even socialperceptionbyothers.Amongmanyothertreat- ment options for obtaining a beautiful smile, tooth whitening is a relatively cost-effective, minimally- invasive, and highly effective treatment method. The success rate depends mainly on the type of dis- colouration and ranges from 90 to 97 per cent. Satis- factoryretentionofthecolourcanbeexpectedforone to three years and may last up to ten years post- treatment. Sensitivityofthetoothandirritationofthegingiva arecommonduringtoothwhitening;however,allside effects cease upon completion of treatment. Never- theless, a comprehensive examination followed by proper consultation is required to meet the patient’s aesthetic expectations with an emphasis on maxi- mumconservationofhealthydentaltissue. _Case report In many cases, patients are well aware of their dental problems and request specific dental treat- ment. In this case, a 33-year-old female patient wishedfortoothwhiteningandre-contouringofher prominentuppercanines. A comprehensive examination and smile analysis using a spectrophotometer (Spectroshade, MHT) revealed healthy dentition with a shade range be- tweenD4andA4(Fig.1). Theupperrightfirstpremolarpresentedacervical abfractionareawithmoderatesensitivitytocold.The leftfirstpremolarhadaClassVcompositeresinfilling withslightlywornmargins.Localisedwhitedecalcifi- cation areas were visible on the upper lateral incisors (Fig.2). Tooth whitening, aesthetic re-contouring of the uppercuspids,andaClassVcompositeresinfillingonthe right first premolar were proposed to the patient. The Fig. 1_Smile analysis before whitening. cosmeticdentistry 1_2009 Tooth whitening: Aconservative approach Author_ So-Ran Kwon, Korea Fig. 1