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user report _ sinus lift I used, the JEDER®-System is applied. This system is comprisedoftwocomponents:ThePressureBoneDrill (P.B.D) and the Sinus Vibration Pump (S.V.P). 2.)ThePressureBoneDrill(P.B.D) The drilling is continued until just below the sinus floor (Fig. 4). If necessary a panoramic X-ray can be done in order to examine the exact position of drill depth.AfterfixingthetightfittingP.B.D(Fig.1A)meas- urable pressure is created using saline solution. In the insideoftheP.B.Dadrillmovesforwardatarateofone tenthsofamillimetreinthedirectionofthesinusfloor. Asoonastheslightestperforationismadethroughthe remaining bone, the saline solution (which is under pressure) forces the schneiderian membrane upward and away from the pursuing drill that could damage the membrane. Since a resulting loss in pressure can be measured using the JEDER®-System, the forward- moving drill is abruptly stopped by the surgeon. 3.)SinusVibrationPump(S.V.P) After successful “penetration“ of the remaining bonevolumeapanoramicX-raycanbemadetoensure thatabubblewasmadewiththeaidofthepressurized saline solution. After this step, the saline solution is brought into oscillation with the aid of the S.V.P (Fig. 1B). At the same time the volume of the solution can be increased precisely (Fig. 1C). Through this method the Schneiderian membrane can be lifted more easily from the sinus floor (Fig. 5). After pumping the saline solutionoutofthecavity,thisnewlyformedcavitycan be filled with the bone augmentation material. Ac- cording to our protocol we place the implants imme- diately after augmentation (Fig. 6). Thesurveillanceoftheoperationismonitoredinits entiretythroughconstantpressureandvolumemeas- urements. A simple technique to determine if a mem- branerupturehastakenplaceistheconventionalval- salvatestcommonlypracticedafterwisdomtoothre- moval in the maxilla. An advanced way of checking a rupture was with the aid of an endoscope, which we used in the preliminary examinations. Setting the im- plants always went according to the guidelines of the implant manufacturer. The healing phase was set at three months in each case. Similar technology uses a balloon to lift the membrane. The difference in the Jeder®-System is the comparative reduction of fric- Fig. 3_A.T.P-Punch fort he minimal invasive approach. Fig. 4_Drill until slightly below the sinus floor. Fig. 5_Schneiderian membrane being lifted through the saline solution. Fig. 6_Implantat in place. Fig. 7_Preoperative volume tomography. Fig. 8_Digital planning of the implant positions. Fig. 9_Virtual measurement of sinus lift volume. Fig.10_Maxilla before operation. I 25implants4_2010 Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Fig. 5 Fig. 6 Fig. 7 Fig. 8 Fig. 9 Fig. 10