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international magazine of oral implantology

pathological secretion or bleeding occurred. X-ray evaluation indicated sim- ilar results in position and osseous healing of the implant types examined. After osseo-inte- gration the majority of theimplantswascoveredbysinglecrowns(57,4%)(Fig.11),followedbyfixedbridge- work (21,3%) and support of removable dentures (21,3%). _Discussion and Conclusions Immediate insertion of titanium screw-shape implants resulted in a success rate comparable to delayed or late insertion.7 The suboptimal results obtained with the small sample of one-piece ceramic implants were, in 2 cases, due to insufficient pro- tection during the healing phase. In the authors opinion this was not due to the im- plant system. It can be only speculated, whether the different roughness of titanium andzirconium-dioxideimplantshascontributedtothesignificantworseresults(early loss) of the latter. However, the small number of zirconium dioxide implants in this study does not allow a final conclusion. After osseo-integration all implant types showed similar clinical and radiological results.Theimportantadvantageofimmediateimplantinsertionforthepatientisthe time gain of the faster prosthetic loading. The remodeling processes of the alveolar bone have to be taken into consideration already at implant insertion planning._ _References 1. Botticelli D,BerglundhT,Lindhe J (2004); Resolution of bone defects of varying dimension and config- uration in the marginal portion of the peri-implant bone.An experimental study in the dog. J Clin Peri- odontol 31(4):309–17. 2.Araújo MG,Sukekava F,Wennström JL,Lindhe J (2006);Tissue modeling following implant placement in fresh extraction sockets.Clin Oral Implant Res 17(6):615–24. 3.Fickl S,Zuhr O,Wachtel H,BolzW,Huerzeler M (2008);Tissue alterations after tooth extraction with and without surgical trauma:a volumetric study in the beagle dog.Clin Periodontol 35(4):356–63. 4.StollP(2008);MinimalinvasiveInsertionvonZirkonoxidimplantaten.ImplantolJSonderdruck6:28–38. 5.ChenST,DarbyIB,ReynoldsEC,ClementJG(2009);Immediateimplantplacementpostextractionwith- out flap elevation.J Periodontol 80(1):163–725. 6.Sanz M, Cecchinato D, Ferrus J, Pjetursson EB, Lang NP, Lindhe JA (2009); Prospective, randomized- controlled clinical trial to evaluate bone preservation using implants with different geometry placed into extraction sockets in the maxilla.Clin Oral Implants Res 21:13–21. Editorialnote:Thewholelistofreferencesisavailablefromthepublisher. Cand med dent Verena Stoll 1 University of Freiburg,Germany; 2 KOSMedics Interdisziplinäre Chirurgische Privat- klinik,Freiburg/Stegen,Germany; 3 Private practice,Freiburg,Germany; 4 Private practice,Freiburg,Germany; 5 Private practice,Freiburg,Germany Z-Systems Thommen Straumann 3 (27,3 %) 3 (4,0 %) 1 (3,4 %) bionicstickygranules easy-graft® CRYSTAL Degradable Solutions AG Wagistrasse 23 CH-8952 Schlieren Phone: +41 43 433 62 60 Ingenious: Simple handling and accelerated osteocon- duction for long-term volume preservation. Order your free test sample over the internet! AD implants_contact Fig. 9