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international magazine of oral implantology

Cannesdealsexclusivelywiththetopicofperi-im- plantitis. Well-known experts will be reporting on the prevalence, risk factors and pathogenesis of the disease. They will demonstrate what surgical and non-surgical therapies are indicated for what cases and they will show when regenerative treat- ments promise success. Prof Sanz: Besides the occurrence of periim- plant infections and complications, we will dis- cuss other multiple sources of complications and most importantly, how to diagnose and how to treatthem.Complextherapeuticprocedures,such as soft tissue augmentation, guided bone regen- eration or sinus floor augmentation will be dis- cussed in the context of the treatment of compli- cated cases. Special emphasis will be placed in how to prevent complications and how to achieve the best possible outcomes. _The Osteology symposia are well-known for their high scientific standard. Is Osteology in Cannes sufficiently practice-oriented? Prof Sanz: Absolutely! The motto of the Oste- ology Foundation is “Linking Science with Prac- tice”, and we consistently make this happen in our symposia.Scienceprovidesthebasisfornewther- apeuticconcepts,butthewideusageofthesecon- cepts in practice cannot be widespread until this treatment option or product has been sufficiently tested and backed up by scientific data. The pres- entation of new scientific data has, therefore, al- ways taken an important place at the Osteology Symposia Programmes. We strongly believe that only well informed practitioners would be able to provide optimum treatments for their patients. But we do not overlook the practical applications of current therapies. On the pre-congress day there is a large selection of practical hands-on coursesandtheoreticalworkshops.InthisOsteol- ogy Symposium we have also organized an inter- active clinical forum in which top-class experts and the audience will be discussing exciting com- plex cases. _WhatelseisontheprogrammeinCannes? Prof Buser: The programme embraces a broad selection of indications in implantology and peri- odontology. We will be discussing whether new findings cast doubt upon well established treat- ment concepts, and what new therapies and prod- ucts could be reliably used in daily practice in the future. As ever at the Osteology symposia, we not only offer participants a top-class, exciting scientific programme, but also an exceptional atmosphere and a fascinating social programme. Osteology in Cannes is making another guest appearance on one of Europe's most beautiful coasts. This guar- antees inspiring days at the congress. Our col- leagues should not miss that highlight in 2011! For more Information: Editorial note: The interview was led by Dr Birgit Wenz, Switzerland. Interview _ Osteology Symposium I I 43implants1_2011 Professor Daniel Buser is professor and chairman at the Department of Oral Sur- gery and Stomatology,and executive chairman of the School of Dental Medicine at University of Bern in Switzerland.His main inter- est is in membrane-pro- tected bone regeneration.He is an internationally well-known scientist and speaker.He is currently President of the ITI Foundation,the Swiss Implant Foundation and a member of the Osteology Foun- dation Board. Professor Mariano Sanz is professor of Periodontol- ogy at University Com- plutense in Madrid.He is much in demand as a sci- entist and international speaker in the field of peri- odontological and aesthetic soft tissue regeneration. He is in the editorial board of various international peer-reviewed journals and is a member of the Osteology Foundation Board. _about the interviewees implants “We will be discussing what new therapies and products could be used in the future” Prof Daniel Buser