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international magazine of oral implantology

I manufacturer _ news 48 I implants1_2011 ITI The ITI launches a global online portal for its membership TheInternationalTeamforImplantology(ITI),alead- ing academic organization dedicated to the promo- tion of evidence-based education and research in the field of implant dentistry, has announced the successfullaunchoftheITInet—itsnewonlinepor- tal. The ITInet is a unique platform that supports knowledge exchange and networking and also of- fers continuously updated content and interactive services.The ITI with its membership of more than 8,000 provides free access to the ITI. Users share their expertise while at the same time extending their personal network of contacts on a worldwide basis.Various discussion forums are available at a global and national level. ITI Fellows and Members can not only participate in or observe clinical dis- cussions on current topics, but can also start new discussionsthreadsorasktheopinionofcolleagues on,for example,potential treatment options in con- cretecases.Eachofthe26ITIcountrySectionsalso has its own forum in which local topics of interest can be discussed in the country’s own language.In addition, each ITI Fellow and Member is provided with a personal area for their individual use.As with other social networks, users can extend their per- sonalnetworkonalong-termbasisbymakingcon- tact with colleagues and friends within the ITI. The ITInet also offers a powerful cluster search fa- cility that draws on various scientific resources and deliversitsresultsdynamicallybysubjectarea.This new technology allows users to carry out targeted research simply and effectively in a wide variety of areas.Theplatformisroundedoffwithanonlinever- sion of the highly successful reference volume “GlossaryofOralandMaxillofacialImplants”andlit- erature updates six times a year as well as RSS feeds from other scientific resources. Overall, the ITInet offers an excellent opportunity for users to benefitfromthecollectiveknowledgeoftheITIcom- munity worldwide. ITI International Team for Implantology ITI Center Peter Merian-Weg 10 4052 Basel, Switzerland EMS Piezon Master Sur- gery with three new instrument systems Since it was introduced, Piezon Master Sur- gery—basedonPiezontechnology—hashad aremarkabletrackrecordinmanypractices. Today,EMS has expanded the clinical scope of application of the Piezon Master Surgery product range. With an enhanced product offer- ing—and special instruments such as Sinus Sys- tem and Implant System—practitioners have ac- cess to technologies allowing them to work even more efficiently. With Piezon Master Surgery, additional application-specificinstrumentsarenow available:atotaloffourperioinstruments especiallydesignedforresectiveand regenerative periodontal surgery, five advanced surgical instru- ments for gentle and uniform sinuslifts,aswellassixspecial fully diamondcoated instru- mentsforimplantapplications with dual cooling system and ex- traefficient debris evacuation. These instruments are seen as particularly suitable for four clinical applications: implant site preparation following extraction, im- plantsitepreparationfollowingsplittingofthealve- olar ridge, implant site preparation in the posterior tooth area,and implant site preparation in compro- mised areas, such as a narrow alveolar ridge. In principle, instruments can be used at low OP tem- perature of no more than 33 degrees centigrade. They provide drilling efficiency and precision in the maxillary area. EMS Electro Medical Systems S.A. Chemin de la Vuarpillière 31 1260 Nyon, Switzerland Dentaurum Implants Planning for safe implant placement Modern3-DimagingprocessessuchasDVTandCTgiveusersabetterviewofex- isting jaw structures and bone conditions before a surgical procedure, allowing them to determine the ideal implant position and design the optimumprotocol.ThetioLogic© pOsitionnavigationsystem hasbeendesignedtoworkwithimagingprocessesand3-D planningsoftwareforguidedpreparationfollowedbyplace- ment of tioLogic© implants. If the indication allows it, tio- Logic© implantscanberestoredimmediatelywithpreviously fabricated prosthetics.The tioLogic© pOsition includes spe- cially designed instruments and accessory components for preparation of the bone site and implant placement. The sleevesforthetioLogic© pOsitionsystemaremadeoftitaniumandguaranteeac- curateguidanceofthedrills.Theboneisatraumaticallypreparedtothespecified implantlengthwhilegraduallywideningthediameter.WorkingwiththetioLogic© pOsition has been designed to be simple and safe for users with the inclusion of many specially designed details such as the ability to adjust the handle of the in- ternalsleevesinthreedimensionsforworkinrestrictedspacesorthesiliconering that fixes the internal sleeves in position during the proce- dure. Dentaurum Implants GmbH Turnstr. 31 75228 Ispringen, Germany