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today IDS 1

trends 15IDS 2011 – 21. März 21 March erschwinglichen digitalen Volumen- tomografie – exakte 3-D-Abbilder der ossären Strukturen erzeugt wer- den. Im Verbund mit moderner Pla- nungs- und Konstruktionssoftware können Implantologen dadurch äu- ßerst exakte stereolithografische Führungsschablonen erhalten, die eine Implantatbettaufbereitung und Implantatinsertion mit bisher nicht gekannter Präzision ermöglichen. Die Dentalindustrie stellt dem Be- handler heute eine ganze Palette leis- tungsfähigerbildgebenderMethoden und anwenderfreundlicher Software zur Verfügung, die dank des verwen- deten internationalen DICOM-Stan- dardskompatibelundherstellerüber- greifend eingesetzt werden können. Auch im Bereich implantologi- scher Instrumente werden auf der IDS neue Entwicklungen zu sehen sein. Namhafte Hersteller zeigen dort beispielsweise atraumatische, das Alveolargewebe schonende Zahn- zangen oder moderne Hohlzylinder- osteotome, effiziente Knochenmühlen oder komplette Chirurgie-Einheiten für die Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichts- chirurgie. Ebenso werden optimierte Verfahren zur Alveolarfortsatz-Er- haltung, zur Augmentation oder zur alveolären Distraktionsosteogenese vorgestellt. Aktuelle biotechnologische Stra- tegien zur Osseogenese bilden ein weiteres Thema der Internationalen Dental-Schau – bis hin zur adulten Stammzelltechnologie. Neue Entwick- lungen bei Knochenmarkstammzel- len werden ebenso wie Knochener- satzmaterialien oder andere osteo- gene Faktoren vorgestellt. Träger- membranen und bioresorbierbare Knochenstifte – teilweise aus Kol- lagen- oder Schleimhautmaterial – bilden weitere implantologische Schwerpunkte. 7 (Quelle: Koelnmesse GmbH) n At IDS 2011, dentists and dental technicians will have the opportunity togetacomprehensiveoverviewofthe latest concepts in implant geometries and materials. Clinical case figures have confirmed a trend towards in- creasing use of prosthetic implant therapy, especially in Western mar- kets like Europe and the United States. In Germany alone, more than 800,000 implants were placed by dental practi- tionerslastyear,a10percentincrease compared to 2009. This rapid growth reflect a contin- uingdemandfrompatientsworldwide who are in favour of implant-sup- ported prosthetics. A wide variety of endosseous implants are now avail- ablefromtheindustrysothatimplant- supported prosthetic solutions can be realised for almost every dental in- dication. Zirconium oxide ceramic is gainingimportancebesidesclassicim- plant materials such as titanium and allows for the manufacturing of com- pletely ceramic tooth replacements, mesostructures, crowns, as well as peg-supported and bridge-supported superstructures. Standardised abutments are also prefabricated from titanium or zirco- nium oxide and can be used for ce- mentable or telescopic restorations. Thanks to modern digital milling processes, an alternative to these prefabricated items that enables the increasing individualisation of super- structures is about to gain ground. Nowadays, one and two-part abut- ments can already be individually de- signed at acceptable cost and adapted to the gingival margins in a beneficial manner. Implant superstructures are in- creasinglymanufacturedinindustrial milling centres as well as in-house at dental laboratories. Companies spe- cialised in this field are now even offering to design and manufacture complex peg or bridge-supported superstructures which is providing commissioning laboratories with morefreedomandthepossibilitytoin- vest more time and effort in the finish- ing process. The latest development in this field are opto-digital processes that have been developed in such a way that (plaster) models are no longer required. With this procedure, implant prosthetics are calculated di- rectly through a digital scan and man- ufactured by using a milling process. Duetotheincreasingnetworkingofits team members including therapeutic personnel, dental technicians and industry, implantology is significantly boosting quality management at all process levels. Progress in implantology is also closely linked to diagnostic devel- opments. Three-dimensional X-ray navigation processes combined with laser scans of plaster models and spe- cial design software gives dentists the possibility to plan reliable implant measures.Eveninmostdifficultcases, exact 3-D images of the osseous struc- tures can be created by digital volume tomography.Incombinationwithmod- ern planning and design software, implant specialists can obtain stereo- lithographic guide templates that allow for highest precision during implant bed preparation and insertion. Nowadays,anentirepalletofpowerful imaging techniques and user-friendly software compatible to the DICOM standards is available to dental prac- titioners. New instruments for implant procedures will also shown at IDS including atraumatic dental forceps, modern cylinder osteotomes, efficient bone mills or complete surgical units for oral and maxillofacial surgery. Optimised methods for retaining the alveolar process, augmentation or alveolar distraction osteogenesis will also be presented. In addition, the International Dental Show will be introducing latest biotechnological strategies for osseo- genic including adult stem cell tech- nology. New developments in bone marrow stem cells will be presented as well as bone replacement, car- rier membranes and biologically re- sorbable bone pegs—partly made of collagen or mucous membrane ma- terial. 7 (Source: Koelnmesse GmbH) BildmitfreundlicherGenehmigungvonDr.Ziebolz,UniGöttingen von WELTNEUHEIT von Chlorhexamed® und testen Sie den BESUCHEN SIE UNS AUF DER IDS 2011, Halle 11.3 PerioMarker® Schnelltest MESSE Schnell Testergebnis bereits nach ca. 10 Minuten Einfach Durchführung und Aus- wertung in der Praxis Zuverlässig Klinisch belegt – aMMP-8 als Biomarker für parodontalen Gewebeabbau Chair-Side Schnelltest für die Diagnose von parodontalem Progressionsrisiko entstehen? irreversible SchädenBEVOR zu erkennen, versteckte Entzündungen Wäre es nicht ideal, BildmitfreundlicherGenehmigungvonDr.Ziebolz,UniGöttingen AD ➟