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I 19 news _ iPad I CAD/CAM 1_2011 graphs and X-rays to patients during consul- tations. And using the Adobe Ideas app, he can annotate the images onscreen while pointing out areas of interest. “iPad is ideally suited to this kind of visual conversation,” he says. “The patient and I can flip through the X-rays and clinical photos together, and I can illustrate my points as we go.” Because the patient has a visual idea of the procedure and a sense of what the outcome will look like, the result is a direct improvement in care. “With iPad, I can greatly enhance patient acceptance of my proposed treatment,” Dr Ferencz says. Helping him in the conversation are two iPad features that Ferencz can not match elsewhere: high resolution and zooming. “The resolution of iPad is so incredible that I can see details I could not on a conventional X-ray,” he says. Zooming also allows Dr Ferencz to focus a patient’s atten- tion on one aspect of the image. “To do that with your fingers is absolutely invaluable, compared to a laptop or a conventional display.” _iPad in the laboratory Dr Ferencz’s iPad use does not end in the treat- ment room. Immediately after a discussion with a patient using iPad, Dr Ferencz might bring the device to his in-house laboratory to demonstrate an issue to one of his technicians. “On a dental restoration, the most effective way to make a correction is to show the photograph to my tech- nician and say, ‘Here is how I would like you to reshape it,’” he says. “That way, we are having a conversation about a clinical photograph, not a drawing or a diagram.” From there, the technician can get to work. “ThetechnicianjusttakesoutaniPad,pullsupthe images, and goes to work,” Dr Ferencz says. _A business of trust iPad is also a powerful, persuasive way to share images during doctor-patient conversa- tions about treatment options. “On our first day with iPad, I used it three times to show patients X-rays and photographs of clinical conditions,” Dr Ferencz explains. “And in each case the patient booked the procedure immediately.” When he asked the patients whether the presentation on iPadhadanimpactontheirdecisions,oneofthem said, “I trust Dr Ferencz, and I would have done what he said, but the way the images appeared wasjustamazing.Ihadtoscheduletheprocedure immediately.” Inasingleday,iPadpaidforitself.“Asabusiness owner, I think iPad is a no-brainer,” Dr Ferencz says. “With its high resolution and ease of use, iPadhastheabilitytomakeamajorimpactonoral health care.” And this is just the beginning. “I think we have just begun to scratch the surface with iPad applications,” he says. “It really is totally revolu- tionary.”_ Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino,CA 95014 USA CAD/CAM_contact