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today IDS Cologne 22.03.

business 67IDS 2011 – 22. März 22 March Müller-Omicron präsentiert mit demEasyCordRetraktionsfadeneine vonvielenProduktneuheitenzurIDS. Das Produkt besitzt nach Angaben des Herstellers einen integrierte Cut- terundeineLängenmaßskalazurein- fachen,hygienischenundsparsamen Entnahme. Mit Verschließen des De- ckels wird der Faden abgeschnitten, die Flasche verschlossen und der FadenimDeckelfixiert,sodassdieser nicht zurückgleiten kann. Damit ist EasyCordsofortwiedereinsatzbereit. Der Faden selbst besteht voll- ständig aus Premium-Baumwolle. DasspezielleStrickdesignermöglicht eine sehr hohe Aufnahme von Tränk- flüssigkeiten.Darüberhinausgibtdie ausgezeichnete Kompression Flüssig- keit gezielt zur Einwirkung wieder ab. Das sehr gute elastische Verhal- ten sorgt zudem für gleichmäßigen Druck, perfekten Sitz und leichtes Legen, so die Firma. EasyCord ist in sechs farbcodier- ten Größen, von Extra-Fein (#000) bis Extra-Dick (# 3) erhältlich. Mehr Informationen sowie Live-Demon- strationen erwartet IDS-Besucher in Halle 4.2. MÜLLER-OMICROM, GERMANY Hall 4.2 BOOTH J090–K099 AD The TRIOS system is a complete digital impression solution from 3Shape that is supposed to enable dentists to capture the complete intraoral situation directly. The device, which, according to the Danish company achieves huge benefits in relation to traditional analog impression taking, will be showcasedduringIDSthroughreal- situation demonstrations at the company’s booth in Hall 4.2. TRIOS is said to operate fast and easy and only require minimal amountoftrainingforuseinclinical practice from day-one. The scanner hasbeenoptimisedtohandleawide range of indications and produce quality3-Ddatathatcaneasilybere- alized by any lab. Dentists can com- pletely bypass disadvantages such as material costs, shipping of im- pressions and messy manual han- dlingwithasingleclickthatuploads the 3-D impression to the lab. “Taking Impressions is easier, faster and better with TRIOS,” says Dr. Jan Bjerg Andersen of Just Smile Dental Clinic in Copenhagen in Denmark. “I get great services from the lab and make more profits by treating patients rather than spend- ing time and money milling crowns in my clinic. According to the company, im- pressiontakingwithTRIOSdoesnot requirepre-sprayingofthepatient’s teeth nor does the scanner need to be held at a specific distance or angle. The cart includes a large touch screen for accessing the intu- itive order and scan interface, as well as a rechargeable battery and Wi-Fi ability for improved mobility around the clinic. TRIOS will open up new possibil- ities at the lab such as parallel de- signing, virtual temps and digital lab model design-workflows that shortenturnaroundtimeandgetthe finished restoration back to the den- tist faster than before, the company said. They added that advanced on- line communication features will also strengthen lab-dentist relation- ships and enable dentists to view digital visualizations of designs for evaluation and approval before manufacturing. 3SHAPE A/S, DENMARK Hall 4.02 Booth N090 TRIOS EASYCORD