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today IDS Cologne 22.03.

news IDS 2011 – 22. März 22 March n Die deutsche Dentalindustrie ist wieder auf Wachstumskurs. Nach Angaben von Dr. Markus Heibach, Geschäftsführer des Verbandes der Deutschen Dental-Industrie (VDDI), erwirtschafteten die rund 200 Mit- gliedsunternehmen im vergangenen Jahr einen Gesamtumsatz von insge- samt 4,02 Milliarden Euro. Die Bran- che verzeichnete damit gegenüber dem Jahr 2009 einen Zuwachs von 6,8 Prozent. Der Umsatz in Deutschland stieg um 3,3 Prozent auf 1,672 Milliarden Euro,derUmsatzimAuslandkletterte imVorjahresvergleichum9,6Prozent auf 2,341 Milliarden Euro. Für das laufende Jahr rechnet die Mehrzahl der Mitgliedsunternehmen des Ver- bandes mit weiteren Zuwächsen im Inland und im Exportgeschäft, so Heibach weiter. Der VDDI-Geschäftsführer plä- dierte im Vorfeld der vom 22. bis 26. März laufenden Fachmesse IDS dafür, dass Patienten in Deutschland auch zukünftig eine zahnmedizini- sche und zahntechnische Versorgung auf der Höhe des medizinischen und technischen Fortschritts erhalten. Deshalb müsse es ausreichend Raum für Investitionen in Innovationen ge- ben. In dem Zusammenhang sprach sich Heibach dafür aus, dass die den- tale Versorgung einen „vernünftigen Interessenausgleich von Patienten, seien es nun Beitragszahler oder selbstzahlende Patienten und Zahn- ärzten, Zahntechnikern und Dental- Industrie gewährleisten muss.“ Der Vizepräsident der Bundes- zahnärztekammer Dr. Dietmar Oes- terreich erklärte am Mittwoch vor der Presse in Köln, die deutsche Zahn- ärzteschaft kann stolz auf ein solches „Heimspiel“ sein, das in diesem Jahr auf der imposanten Fläche von mehr als 20 Fußballfeldern ausgetragen wird. Gleichzeitig muss die zahn- ärztliche Profession hierzulande aber weiter darauf drängen, dass die Poli- tikverlässlicheRahmenbedingungen schafft, unter denen der mögliche zahnmedizinische Fortschritt auch in den Praxen ankommen kann. Die ge- sundheitspolitischen und fachlichen Voraussetzungen für fortschrittliche Zahnmedizin müssen zunächst ge- schaffen werden. 7 n The German dental industry is back on a course of expansion. According to Dr Markus Heibach, managing direc- tor of the Association of the German Dental Industry (VDDI), the approxi- mately 200 member companies of the organisation generated sales of over 4 million euros. Compared with 2009, this means the industry recorded a growth rate of 6.8 per cent. Sales in Germany increased by 3.3 per cent to 1.672 million euros, while sales abroad climbed by 9.6 per cent whencomparedwiththepreviousyear and reached a total of 2.341 million euros. For the current year, the major- ity of the member companies of the association are expecting additional increases both in the domestic market and in export trade, Heibach said. In the run-up to the specialised trade fair International Dental Show, which takes place March 22–26, Hei- bach spoke in favour of patients in Germany receiving dental treatment and dental laboratory services corre- sponding to the latest medical and technical advances. For this reason it is essential that there is sufficient scope for investments in innovations. In this context, Heibach argued that dental care “must guarantee a reason- able reconciliation of the interests of patients—be they social insurance contributors or self-paying patients— dentists, dental technicians and the dental industry.” Dr Dietmar Oesterreich, vice pres- ident of the Federal Dentists’ Associa- tion (Bundeszahnärztekammer), said that German dentists could feel proud theIDSintheirownbackyard,anevent that is taking place in an area that is greater than more than 20 football fields.Atthesametime,thedentalpro- fession in Germany must continue to urge its politicians to create a reliable framework for conditions in which progress can find its way into dental practices.Thehealthpolicyandtechni- cal prerequisites for progressive den- tal care must first of all be created. 7 Dentalindustrie erholt sich German dental industry making a recovery Deutsche Hersteller rechnen mit weiteren Zuwächsen im Jahr 2011 German manufacturers are expecting increased growth in 2011 combination of first-class dental care, service and high-quality design. The fancy interior of the White Lounge is supposed to underline our goal to sat- isfythewishofourpatientsforhealthy and aesthetic teeth. What special therapies do you offer your patients? The majority of patients asks for teeth bleaching. With the BriteSmile system we offer a very gentle method that not only provides best results with bleaching up to nine shades but also does not harm tooth substance thanks to the perfect combination of LED light and a low dose bleaching gel. Further- more,wehavebeennoticingarisingde- mand for non-prep veneer systems suchasBriteVeneersthatareabletoop- timize tooth form and position as well achieve permanent brightening with- out harming tooth substance. How does the BriteVeneers system work exactly? Due to very thin veneers that only measure between 0.1 mm and 0.3 mm, preparation of the teeth is no longer necessary in most cases. The system comprises two different materials and qualities ranging from BriteVeneers Ceramic to the highly individualised BriteVeneers. With the “Positioning Tray” up to 10 veneers can be applied within an hour. In this segment we are able to achieve outstanding aesthetic results. When did the White Lounge concept come into being? The first White Lounge spa was opened by me in Leipzig in 2005. By now there are White Lounge spa’s in Munich, Stuttgart, Dusseldorf, Berlin and Hamburg and more are planned to be opened in other large German cities. I encourage all colleagues who are in- terestedintheconcepttocontactusand ask for more information. What are the main criteria for becoming a White Lounge spa? How do you find your partners? I meet a lot of colleagues and den- tal practice representatives through my lecturing, especially in my veneer certificationcourses.Oftentimesthese first contacts result in the practice of becoming a White Lounge partner. On the other hand, I am also directly contacted by colleagues that have heard about the concept. Main select- ing criteria are a focus on aesthetic dentistry, a good location as well as the ability of the practice to provide high quality dental care. Moreover, they should have an emotional and pro- fessional commitment to the White Lounge concept. What are the synergy effects for White Lounge partners? The White Lounge brand has na- tionwide recognition. Patients are re- cruited through joint ad campaigns in magazines like Gala and new media such as Google or Facebook. There are certainly synergy effects for purchas- ing bleaching and veneer products as well. What are your plans for the future? We aim to strengthen recognition of the White Lounge brand in the pa- tient market and to promote local ex- pansion of White Lounges in larger cities such as Cologne, Frankfurt/ Main, Bremen or Hanover. Thank you for this interview. Dr Jens Voss will be presenting a lecture on Smile-Design at the IDS Speaker’s Corner in hall 3.1 on Friday, 25 March (11.30 a.m.) and Saturday, 26 March (10.30 a.m.). The lecture is supported by the Dental Tribune Study Club and available online at 7 AD • Ideal for the larger busy practice and requires no extra space for detergent. • Active 2-stage drying system for instruments and lumens. • Low water consumption in combination with patented cleaning system. • The HYDRIM M2 is factory validated. • Easy to service and user friendly. • Complies with EN15883, MDD93/42. HYDR M2 Washer-disinfector • One of the world’s most popular autoclaves, automatically sterilizes solid, hollow, wrapped & unwrapped loads, including dental handpieces. • 5 times faster than typical B cycle autoclaves. • STATIM’s performance is validated by biological and mechanical means. • Complies with EN13060 and conforms with the RKI guidelines. STAT G4, the gentle autoclave HALL 10.2 BOOTH T20 U29 NEW AD 7 page 6