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today IDS Cologne 23.03. 2011 Halle 10.2 T-030-U-031 AD MyofunctionalResearchCo.(MRC) has been developing innovative intra- oral appliances to treat the causes of malocclusionandTMJdisorderforall ages of growing children since 1989. At IDS 2011, the company will dem- onstrate practical and cost-effective means of delivering advanced myofunc- tional correction for every child. However, MRC is developingmorethan just orthodontic ap- pliances. In 2009, their MRC Clinics was launched which providedtheindustry withatotallynewway of treating myofunc- tional habits in grow- ingchildrenforbetter dental alignment and facial develop- ment. It also offered a profitable and more cost-effective solution to the problems and limitations of tradi- tional treatment methods orthodon- tists and their tendency to failure in the long-term. In addition, the company has a strongfocusonadvancingknowledge through developing educational ma- terials on the importance of correct- ing myofunctional habits in children as early as possible. They say that this dedication to delivering quality educationalmaterialsisacrucialpart of their role as an active educational company. According to MRC, the key is to educate at every level: from the grow- ing child right through to the prac- titioner. Providing proper education can empower doctors to break out of the out-dated concepts of orthodon- tics and lead many to better and more profitablemethodsofdeliveringproper pediatric care for children. The main goal is not just straight- ening teeth without braces but to make a lifelong positive impact on their development and health, the company says. MYOFUNCTIONAL RESEARCH, AUSTRALIA Hall 11.3 Booth E030 5 Founder and CEO Dr Chris Farrell (Photo courtesy of Myofunctional Research, Australia) MRC PROVIDES EDUCATION FOR A HEALTHIER FUTURE A-dec, a global leader in dental equipment, introduces A dec 200, the newest in A dec’s lineup of patient chairs and delivery systems, with in- put from dental professionals around the world to accommo- date the wide range of practice styles found in global markets. The space-sav- ing chair-mounted delivery system in- cludes a telescoping as- sistant’s arm and an over- sized tray to hold every- thing the dental team needs. The new multi-axis light pro- vides easy and precise positioning of illumination, and the cuspidor ro- tates conveniently to the patient when needed. The chair, light and cuspi- dor functions are easily con- trolled from A dec’s modern touchpad and small and large practices will enjoy the open plat- form that leaves room to add or change ancillary devices for peak per- formance now, and in the future. A-DEC, USA Hall 11.1 Booth D10–E19 A-DEC 200 Die Planmeca ProMax 3D Mid soll Behandlern den optimalen Volumen- umfang für jede Anwendung bieten, bei der eine 3-D-Bildgebung erforder- lich ist. Die Volumenumfänge erstre- cken sich nach Angaben des Herstel- lersvon34x42mmbis16x16cm,was die Möglichkeiten zur Optimierung des Bildgebungsbereichs je nach dia- gnostischer Aufgabenstellung unter Einhaltung der „Best Practices“ in der Zahnmedizin sowie des ALARA-Prin- zips für eine möglichst geringe Strah- lendosierung erweitert. Ferner soll Planmeca ProMax 3D Mid neuartige Panoramaaufnahmen bieten. Das standardmäßige Panora- maaufnahmeprogramm wurde opti- miert, sodass nur der Zahnbereich be- lichtetundsomitdiePatientendosisre- duziert wird. Wahlweise können die KiefergelenkeauchnurmiteinemPro- gramm abgebildet werden, in dem die TMG-Bildgebungswinkel wie in nor- malen TMG-Programmen eingestellt werden können. Planmeca ProMax 3D Mid is supposed to offer clinicians an opti- mal volume size for every application re- quiring 3-D imaging. According to the Finish company, the volume sizes range from 34 x 42mm to 16x16cm which allows for optimising the imaging area according to spe- cific diagnostic task while complying with the best practices of dentistry and the ALARA (as low as rea- sonably achievable) principle to minimise radiation. Additionally, the Planmeca ProMax 3D Mid offers a new kind of panoramic im- aging. The standard panoramic imag- ing program has been optimised to ex- poseonlytheteethareaforreducingpa- tient dose. Optionally, the temporo- mandibularjointscanbeimagedwitha programem in which the TMJ imaging angles can be adjusted like in regular TMJ programs. PLANMECA, FINLAND Hall 11.1 G010–H011 PLANMECA PROMAX 3D MID PLANMECA PROMAX 3D MID business18 IDS 2011 – 23. März 23 March