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today IDS Cologne 23.03.

business68 IDS 2011 – 23. März 23 March In jüngerer Vergangenheit ha- ben gerade Mini-Implantate einer weiteren Patientengruppe die Chance auf eine implantologische Therapieeröffnet.Soprofitierenins- besondere Senioren mit atrophier- tem Alveolarkamm von einer Pro- thesenstabilisierung mit den „Mi- nis“. Die bewährten MDI Mini- Dental-Implantate präsentiert 3M ESPE zurzeit auf der IDS. Die 3M ESPE MDI Mini-Dental- Implantate lassen sich auch bei ge- ringemKnochenangebot–meistmi- nimalinvasiv–inserieren.LautHer- steller stellen sie gerade für Senio- ren eine einfache und schnelle, dabei sehr sichere und zuverlässige MöglichkeitzurStabilisierungeiner Totalprothese dar. Auch Patienten, für die aufgrund einer Allgemeiner- krankung oder eingeschränkter fi- nanzieller Mittel eine konventio- nelle Implantattherapie nicht in- frage käme, kommen dank Mini- Implantaten in den Genuss einer festsitzenden Prothese. Erhältlich sind die Mini-Implan- tate in den Durchmessern 1,8, 2,1 und 2,4 Millimeter und den Längen 10, 13, 15 und 18 Millimeter. Das „große“MDIHybridmit2,9Millime- tern Durchmesser ist über die klas- sische Indikation „Prothesenstabili- sierung“ hinaus auch zur Einzel- zahnversorgung geeignet, so die Firma. Mini implants have recently opened the door to implant-borne restorationsforanincreasednumber of patients. Elderly patients with an atrophiedridgeinparticularareben- efitting from these “Minis”. Now, 3M Espe is showcasing its proven MDI Mini Dental Implants at IDS. The3MESPEMDIMiniDentalIm- plants can even be placed in areas with minimum available bone struc- ture—almost always a minimally in- vasiveprocess.Accordingtothecom- pany, especially for elderly patients thisisasimpleandfastbutalsosafe, reliable method for stabilising a full denture.Miniimplantsallowevenpa- tients for whom conventional im- planttherapyisnotanalternative,ei- ther due to their general state of health or financial limits, to experi- ence the pleasure of a firmly sta- bilised denture. Theminiimplantsareavailablein 1.8,2.1,and2.4millimetrediameters, and lengths of 10, 13, 15, and 18 mil- limetres. The “large” MDI Hybrid witha2.9millimetrediameterissuit- able not only for classic denture sta- bilisationtechniquesbutalsoforsin- gle restorations, the company said. 3M ESPE, GERMANY Hall 4.2 Booth G090–J099 MDI MINI-DENTAL- IMPLANTATE MDI MINI DENTAL IMPLANTS PentronClinicalTechnologiesisin- troducing Bond-1 SF Solvent Free SE Adhesive, a unique, solvent free, self- etch,light-cure,one-coa,bondingagent to be used for all direct composite bonding needs at IDS. The company claims to have removed the solvent while preserving the high bond strengths associated with conven- tional bonding agents. Removing the solvent from the product is not only supposed to address common technique issues, such as over or under drying, but also to facilitate the restoration of teeth fasterthaneverbyrequiringonlyaone coat application, Pentron says. Bond-1 SF provides a superior bond to both dentin and enamel by forming an interactive bond be- tween the minerals of the tooth structure and the resins of the bonding agent, without the use of acetone, water, or alcohol,. “We didn’t feel the immediate need toassignagenerationtothisnewbond- ing agent, as we feel this product is in aleagueofitsownandmakestheprac- ticeofreferringtobondingagentswith generations obsolete,” states Pentron Clinical Technologies Product Man- ager Adrienne Collins. Bond-1 SF Solvent Free SE Adhe- sive is available in two delivery sys- tems. While the syringe offers unique flocked needle tips that facilitate easy, directplacementintotheprep,thefree standingsingledoseprovidesultimate infection control. PENTRON CLINICAL, USA Hall 4.1 Booth B060-C061 BOND-1 SF Endo Einfach Erfolgreich® Meet us in Hall 14.1 Stand B50/C51 AD