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today IDS Cologne 25.03.

business30 IDS 2011 – 25. März 25 March The Laser Microfused Titanium Surface by LEADER IMPLANTS Faster Bone Growth inside the cavities of the microfused titanium surface LEADER ITALIA s.r.l. Via Aquileja, 49 - 20092 Cinisello Balsamo (MI) ITALY ph. +39 02 618651 - fax +39 02 61290676 - *References available upon request Tixos has a porous surface characterized by interconnected cavities, with predetermined geometry promoting faster bone formation*. RL E A D EI T A L I A lasermade bone titanium 100 μm50 μm 20 μm Strong adherence between the implant neck and soft tissues New Bone Formation inside the Implant cavities and pores in human after 8 weeks Mucosal connective fibers inserted on the surface of Tixos implant (blue) Bone growth inside the Implant concavities Mucosal connettive fibers show perpendicular insertion to the implant surface AD Mit G-ænial Flo und Universal Flo erweitert die Firma GC ihr kürzlich eingeführtes Hybridkomposit-Sys- tem G-ænial um zwei neuartige Flow- ables. Während G-ænial Universal Flo für alle Klassen von I bis V Verwendung finden soll, eignet sich G-ænial Flo laut Hersteller vor al- lem für Unterfüllungen, Tunnelprä- parationen und kleinere Defekte. Das hochvisköse G-ænial Univer- sal Flo kombiniert erstmals die Sta- bilität eines Universalkomposits mit der unkomplizierten Applizierbar- keit eines Flowables. Neue Füllstoffe mit ultrafeinem Strontiumglas und Partikelgrößen von nur 200nm sol- len eine hohe Festigkeit (ca. 160 MPa) und Viskosität und einen niedrigen Lichtbrechungsindex für dauerhaft stabile und transluzente Restauratio- nen ermöglichen. Dank seiner leicht- fließenden Konsistenz verteilt sich das Material nach Angaben des Her- stellers schnell und glatt über die gesamte Dentin- und Schmelzober- fläche und passt sich den Kavitäten- wänden auch ohne Zuhilfenahme von Verarbeitungsinstrumenten exakt an. Aufgrund seiner Thixo- tropie sackt es darüber hinaus nicht in sich zusammen und lässt sich so leichter modellieren. Wie sein universeller Systempart- ner wird auch das röntgenopake G-ænial Flo über die neu entwickelte Mikrofüllertechnologie verfügen. Diese garantiert eine größere Füll- stoffmenge und eine homogenere Ver- teilung der Partikel für eine im Ver- gleich mit einem handelsüblichen Flowable noch bessere Fließfähigkeit, Ästhetik und Stabilität. Damit ermög- licht das Komposit eine sehr gute Flui- ditätundBenetzbarkeitderKavitäten. Weitere Verarbeitungsvorteile ergeben sich laut Hersteller durch das neue Spritzendesign. So verfügt der Applikator über eine gewölbte Handauflage, eine „End-of-use“-An- zeige sowie ein angerautes Spitzen- ende, an dem nichts mehr kleben bleiben soll. Dank ihrer speziellen Form sollen in der vergrößerten Spritze mit 2 ml Inhalt nur noch zwei Prozent der Paste als Rück- stand bleiben. Nach Angaben des Herstellers ist G-ænial Universal Flo in 15 Stan- dardfarben und drei Opazitätsstufen erhältlich. G-ænial Flo wird in acht Farbtönen mit zwei Inside-Farben und zwei Opazitäten angeboten. GC EUROPE, BELGIUM Hall 11.2 Booth N010–O019 NEUE FLOWABLES VON GC Explaining the benefits of treat- ment, the consequences of non treat- ment and the treatments themselves is one of the most difficult daily tasks for the dental professional. According to the Canadian company Consult- Pro, a case presentation tool that rep- resents the quality work the dentist performs is something the patient both needs and deserves. Being one of the world’s leading software companies specializing in 3-D Animated Dental Education and total practice solutions since 1999, the company is providing comprehen- sive dental patient education presen- tations focusing on all aspects of gen- eral dentistry as well as, implant, oral surgery, periodontal, orthodontic and endodontic treatment options and consequences of non treatment. With Single, Network and Web Based Enterprise systems, they aim to com- bine emerging dental techniques and emerging computer technology for the benefit of the patient, the dentist and the dental institution. Consult-PRO wants to be a major supporter of global knowledge ex- change and provide their solutions featuring the most up to date dental techniques and 3-D animated tech- nology in each country’s specific lan- guage. CONSULT-PRO/ DHC MARKETING INC., CANADA Hall 11.3 Booth G061 COMMON GLOBAL KNOWLEDGE FOR DENTISTRY Despite their existing range of den- tal units, the Italian company Anthos is showcasing a large number of inno- vations ranging from a improved soft- ware for unit management to a new generation dental stool suitable for all dental professionals at IDS. A brand new detachable control panel is the latest addition to their Classe R7, a modular design unit, which can now be handled with both hands. In order to change the dentist’s module from a right-handed to a left- handed configuration and vice versa, the user can simply detach the new fast-connect control panel, rotate the connector 180° and reposition the panel on the opposite side of the mod- ule. According to the company, it takes less than five minutes to completely transform the Classe R7. In addition, a new optional wireless foot control will allows the dentist to use several dental unit functions without the problem of connection leads. The foot control will be available on mid to high range units. Lithium ion batteries are supposed to ensure long-lasting unit autonomy. Suitable for people of different heights and builds, the new S9 stool was designed to ensure proper posture whatever their working position is. Ad- justment of height, seat tilt, vertical/ horizontal positioning and even the tilt angleofthelumbarsupportprovidean optimal set-up. The dentist adjusts the stool by operating the levers with their wrists, thus avoiding any physical con- tact with their fingers. A new LED operating light with a dual reflector is supposed to combine ergonomics and power to provide a smart and balanced lighting of the operating area. Exact positioning can be achieved via to three-axis rotation. Infraredsensororpotentiometerallow brightness adjustment from 6,000 to 50,000 Lux. Colour temperature at 5,000K guarantees true-to-life hues. The hermitically sealed frontal screen ensures no contaminants enter the light and makes it easy to clean. Power absorption is just 10W and the LED lights are said to provide up to 50,000 hours of lighting. Anthos has also developed a com- prehensive range of high-performance instruments, which are integrated with the control electronics to ensure precise, user-friendly parameter con- trol. The i-MMs induction micro motor isoneofthemostsilentinstrumentson the market, the company said. Featur- ing torque values of up to 4.5 Ncm, it provides a wide speed range of 100 to 40,000 rpm. With incorporated LED lighting, fully autoclavable and suit- able for any dentistry specialisation i-MMs provides perfect control via three different software modes, ad- justable on the new colour display (available on top-of-the-range units). The new colour display incorpo- rates advanced software that gives the dentist precise control of instrument parameters, hygiene system settings and the main dental unit functions. Maximised user-friendliness and clar- ity of controls means fast, person- alised settings, the company said. The high-definition display speeds up data interpretation and makes it easier to scroll through menus. ANTHOS, ITALY Hall 11.2 Booth Q020–R029 NEW DENTAL STOOLS AND EQUIPMENT FROM ANTHOS