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Dental Tribune Italian Edition

27 Anno IV n. 1 - Aprile 2011Italian Edition Speciale NUOVO SISTEMA ANTIBATTERICO A DOPPIA AZIONE PER UNA PROTEZIONE GENGIVALE SUPERIORE © 2009 McCann Healthcare RGB Milano Sunstar Suisse SA Nr. verde 800-580840 Eliminare i batteri patogeni non basta. Anche le tossine proinfiammatorie liberate dai batteri distrutti all’interno della bocca svolgono un ruolo determinante nello sviluppo della malattia parodontale. Ecco perché la nuova linea GUM® Paroex® associa l’efficacia antibatterica clinicamente dimostrata della clorexidina digluconato (CHX) all’azione tossina- neutralizzante del cetilpiridinio cloruro (CPC). GUM® Paroex® garantisce un Sistema Antisettico a Doppia Azione avanzato, mirato sia sui batteri della placca che sulle loro endotossine, per una protezione completa contro le malattie gengivali. CHX CPCCHX RIMUOVE LE TOSSINEDISTRUGGE I BATTERI Prevenzione quotidiana (chx 0,06) Trattamento temporaneo (chx 0,12) Azione intensiva locale (chx 0,20) CHXCHX RIMUOVERIMUOVERIMUOVE LE TOSSINELE TOSSINEDISTRUGDISTRUGGEGE RIMUOVERIMUOVERIMUOVE CPC senza alcool gusto gradevole 1. Heintze SD, Forjanic M, Ohmiti K, Rousson V. Sur- face deterioration of dental materials after simulated toothbrushing in relation to brushing time and load. Dent Mater 2010; 26: 306- 19. 2. Addy M, Hunter ML. Can tooth brushing damage your health? Effects on oral and dental tissues. Dent J 2003; 53 (Suppl. 3): 177-86. 3. Genovesi AM, Sanavia C, Marchisio O, Lorenzi C, Giacomelli L, et al; SISIO working group. Protocolli di igiene orale domiciliare. In- dicazioni della letteratura. Prevenzione & Assistenza Dentale 2010; 1: 17-23. 4. Ciancio SG. The dental wa- ter jet: a product ahead of its time. Compend Contin Educ Dent 2009; 30 (Spec. 1): 7-13. 5. 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Comparison of ir- rigation to floss as an adjun- ct to tooth brushing: effect on bleeding, gingivitis and supragingival plaque. J Clin Dent 2005; 16: 71-7. 11. Al-Mubarak S, Ciancio S, Aljada A, Mohanty P, Ross C, Dandona P. Comparati- ve evaluation of adjunctive oral irrigation in diabetics. J Clin Periodontol 2002; 29: 295-300. 12. Cutler CW, Stanford TW, Abraham C, Cederberg RA, Boardman TJ, Ross C. Clinical benefits of oral ir- rigation for periodontitis are related to reduction of pro-inflammatory cytokine levels and plaque. J Clin Pe- riodontol 2000; 27: 134-43. 13. Newman MG, Cattabriga M, Etienne D. Effectiveness of adjunctive irrigation in early periodontitis: multi- center evaluation. J Perio- dontol 1994; 65: 224-9. 14. Flemmig TF, Newman MG, Doherty FM, Grossman E, Meckel AH, Bakdash MB. Supragingival irrigation with 0.06% chlorhexidine in na- turally occurring gingivitis. I. 6 month clinical observations. J Periodontol 1990; 61: 112-7. 15. Ciancio SG, Mather ML, Zam- bon JJ, Reynolds HS. Effect of chemotherapeutic agent delive- red by an oral irrigation device on plaque, gingivitis, and sub- gingival microflora. J Periodon- tol 1989; 60: 310-5. 16. Sharma NC, Lyle DM, Qaqish JG, Galustians J, Schuller R. The effect of a dental water jet with orthodontic tip on plaque and bleeding in adolescent patients with fixed orthodontic applian- ces. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2008; 133: 565-71. 17. Burch JG, Lanese R, Ngan P. A two-month study of the effects of oral irrigation and automatic toothbrush use in adult ortho- dontic population with fixed appliances. Am J Orthod Den- tofacial Orthop 1994; 106: 121-6. 18. Jolkovsky DL, Waki MY, New- man MG, Otomo-Corgel J, Ma- dison M, et al. Clinical and microbiological effects of sub- gingival and gingival marginal irrigation with chlorhexidine gluconate. J Periodontol 1990; 61: 663-9. 19. Fine JB, Harper DS, Gordon JM, Hovliaras CA, Charles CH. 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