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Dental Tribune United Kingdom Edition

S implyhealth’s Annual Dental Survey 2011 shows that patients could be risking their dental health with over a quarter of the population viewing visits to the dentist as a ‘luxury’. The survey of 10,000 UK pa- tients has found that men are the worst offenders with more than a third considering dentist appointments not essential. Yet almost 19 per cent stubbornly believe they can take care of their teeth themselves. Howev- er, women are no ‘tooth fairies’ either, with 43 per cent saying dentist visits are ‘too expensive’ compared to 35 per cent of men. James Glover from Sim- plyhealth said: “It’s surprising that so many patients see visit- ing the dentist as a luxury. We’re not talking about a holiday, or a new car, but protecting your dental health, which is an eve- ryday health need.’’ Younger patients place far less importance on their dental health, with almost a third (31 per cent) of 18-24 year olds say- ing visiting the dentist is a lux- ury, not an everyday need. This may be why only half have seen a dentist in the last year. In con- trast 23 per cent of over 55s see the dentist as a luxury, but 71 per cent have seen the dentist in the last year. Practicing dentist and Sim- plyhealth’s dental advisor, Michael Thomas, said: “Eve- ryone wants nice, white teeth, but this won’t happen if people aren’t prepared to put any ef- fort into caring for them. It’s re- ally important that patients take the time to brush their teeth twice a day and regularly visit their dentist. ‘‘This isn’t just important for the health of their teeth, but also for other health issues for example, research suggests that poor oral health is associated with a greater risk of a stroke and heart disease. ‘‘Dentists can provide so much information and guid- ance that people aren’t tak- ing advantage of. For instance Simplyhealth’s research has found that only 34 per cent would think to speak to their dentist about identifying oral cancer.” There’s also a contrast in patient’s attitudes to dental health. On one hand, two thirds say they wouldn’t date someone with bad teeth and more than 60 per cent believe good teeth can influence career progression. Yet, 41 per cent say they’d prefer to have dinner with the in laws than get their teeth checked. Almost 50 per cent would rather take out the rubbish and 41 per cent would prefer to clean the toilet. DT Dental visits considered ‘a luxury’ A ‘smile’ has topped a poll of the most important physical features when it comes to attraction between men and women. A smile was rated highly by 56 per cent of respondents, closely followed by faces (53 per cent) and eyes (51 per cent). Dress sense, body shape, hair and height were also meas- ured, with the latter bringing up the rear on 25 per cent. Interestingly, it was a non- physical attribute – personality – which was the clear winner of the survey. Ninety per cent of respondents rated this human attribute most important when it comes to attraction. The results have been published as part of the Brit- ish Dental Health Foun- dation’s annual campaign – National Smile Month – now in its 35th year. This year the theme is ‘The Smile Factor’, which aims to remind people that their mouth, teeth and smile is fundamental to all aspects of their life – whether career, personality, relation- ships, attraction or all-round good health. Despite the importance of smiles and teeth to everyday life, many people appear to have a poor image of the na- tion’s ‘Smile Factor’. The survey reveals that only 23 per cent believed that the nation had ‘good teeth’, and approaching half the population were not happy with their smile or teeth - stained or yellow teeth being the most common concern (37 per cent). Chief Executive of the Brit- ish Dental Health Founda- tion, Dr Nigel Carter, said: “As a nation we probably spend more time and money looking after our hair and the clothes we wear, rather than caring for our teeth. The survey is a great reminder that we should be giving greater attention to our teeth – not just because it improves oral health – but be- cause it gives us the confidence to smile, which makes a major difference to our relationships, careers and overall image. “During National Smile Month, we hope everyone will consider what they can do to improve their Smile Factor. Hundreds of dental practices across the UK will be support- ing the campaign and it’s an ex- cellent time to seek their help and advice. DT Smiles top attractiveness poll T he BDA’s museum has its sights set on a rare oil painting as its next major acquisition. The Den- tist, painted in 1929 by Sir John Lavery, features dentist Con- rad Ackner in situ treating his patient, the artist’s wife Lady Lavery. The painting is significant in terms of both dental and art history, being the only known accurate depiction of the early twentieth century dentist in a surgery, and by one of the leading portrait painters of the time. A rare find, the painting is set in Ackner’s Welbeck Street practice in London and reveals aspects of the clinical environ- ment including an early x-ray machine and headlamp, exam- ples of which are in the muse- um’s collection. Using the painting as a cen- tre piece, plans are in place to mount an exhibition including a scrapbook compiled by Ack- ner’s staff, which lists the King of Norway and actress Marlene Dietrich amongst his patients. The first time the two items will be seen together, they will be a highlight on guided tours and be featured during events and as part of the museum’s school programmes. The BDA is appealing for donations to help acquire the painting so that it can be made a permanent part of its collec- tion. Currently on loan and on display in the BDA’s Informa- tion Centre, it has been inde- pendently valued at £60,000. While funding has already been sourced through the Art Fund, the MLA/V&A Purchase Grant Fund, the BDA and pri- vate donations, a shortfall of £9,000 remains before the list price can be met. Head of BDA Museum Serv- ices, Jason Finch said: “The opportunity to purchase this unique painting is too good to miss and we are desperately close to our target. ‘‘Not only is the work his- torically significant in its rar- ity, it also provides us with an accurate depiction from which the dental profession and pub- lic can gain valuable insight into the history of dentistry. ‘‘We are calling on all in- terested parties to help us keep this important work at the BDA permanently, in what, we be- lieve is its rightful home.” To make a donation, or for further information, individu- als should contact Jason Finch by phone on 0207 535 5832, or by email at jason.finch@bda. org. DT BDA museum close to major acquisition O scar-winning actor Michael Douglas, who was diagnosed with throat cancer last year, headlined a fundraiser for the Montreal Hospital; the hospital that first detected his disease. During his speech at the event, Douglas recalled the devastating moment when he was diagnosed with can- cer and how Dr Saul Frenkiel of Montreal’s Jewish General Hospital had requested a biop- sy. Previously, several Ameri- can doctors had failed to diag- nose the cancer and had, ac- cording to reports, said Doug- las was in good health: it was soon discovered that the cancer was at an advanced stage. To show his gratitude for the Montreal Hospital, Douglas offered to help raise money for the McGill Univer- sity-affiliated hospital by sign- ing himself up as the honoured invitee for a $375-a-head gala night, with VIP tickets selling for $750. The money raised will be given to McGill University’s head and neck cancer fund. Mixing with guests and having photos taken, Douglas was reported to appear ener- gised. According to reports, both Douglas and his wife, Catherine Zeta-Jones, put themselves up for auction: one such live auc- tion was a golf outing, which was auctioned for $180,000. By the end of the night the char- ity event had raised more than $1 million. DT A ‘thank you’ that raised $1m The Dentist 1929 by Sir John Lavery Dentistry shouldn’t be a luxury Smiles topped attractiveness polls May 16-22, 20114 News United Kingdom Edition