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CAD/CAM International magazineof digital dentistry No. 1, 2017

| cone beam supplement use of CBCT and CAD/CAM Fig. 9 Fig. 10 Fig. 11 It became clear that treatment in this case would require more time and hence in the period between procedures, from the moment treatment began till the time the final prosthesis was accepted, the pa- tient should be provided with a convenient tempo- rary restoration. Being fully aware of advantages and disadvantages of different solutions, the pa- tient decided on a restoration based on eight im- plants with a combined mounting and the use of screw-based abutments and telescopic crowns of implants. Application of telescopic crowns at the front of the maxilla allowed us to make a very con- venient temporary restoration, partial prosthesis based on four telescopes. Each treatment should start with a well-prepared plan. For most patients appearance after treatment will always be very important that is why an in- traoral analysis must be made in order to assess the static structure of the mouth, as well as an analysis of the lips’ dynamics along with teeth exposure dur- ing speaking and smiling (Figs. 1 & 2). We analysed the aesthetic aspects in a way that enables us to reach an optimal balance between white (teeth) and pink (gums) aesthetics. Of course, in toothless patients, one should take note of the fact that teeth setup as well as reconstruction of atrophied tissues will constitute a support for the lips. Such an analysis may be made on the basis of a restoration that the patient uses. In this case, first sanitation of the maxilla had to be per- formed, next a temporary acrylic prosthesis was made. In the next phase, implants were inserted. In com- pliance with the results of the CBCT study, a sinus lift procedure was performed with a simultaneous implantation in the region of lateral teeth. Eight Ankylos implants were introduced, raising both maxillary sinuses at the same time. After six weeks, the implant exposure procedure was performed. Because of the fact that implants were partially Fig. 12 Fig. 13 46 CAD/CAM 1 2017

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